A Comprehensive Beginners Guide To The Blogging World!

As you guys know that the world is growing every second, In the technology world the new word called “blogging” is also growing day by day infact every second this word aware to the newbie and He/She join it just to make money.

They think that blogging is just a game or you can say a short cut to make a lot of money.

If you are one of them and thinking this then you are totally wrong, this is not blogging.

The reason I’m writing this post is to make you know that what is Blogging actually.

In this post, I’ll going to share my each and every opinion which will surely going to make you realize that you are in wrong or right direction?

And I’ll guide you that how you can enter in this world professionally, how you can make your first $ professionally etc. So follow me!

What is Blogging?

The word blog is came from a word Web-log which means a website on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information etc. on a daily basis.

In the other words the simple definition of blog is to share your thoughts or teach the world the knowledge you have.

Now what is blogging?

If you are running a blog and writing on it is called blogging, It’s not that hard if you think but not that easy as people thought, If you don’t have proper skills on blogging then you can’t reach your goal of making money. ( I know this is your goal 😛 )

Why you should Blogging?

This question must be hitting your mind, There are many advantages of doing blogging like who don’t want to become famous?

I don’t think so that you don’t want to become a famous personality, I know you want to infact everyone want to become famous no matter online or offline.

So if you become a successful blogger you’ll gain a great respect and you’ll become a famous personality.

If  you’re thinking that who became a famous personality in blogging? Then you don’t know about the Great Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai From My Blogger Tricks, Neil Patel and so so so many. 

The second advantage of blogging is you can make a living online, I’m right.

You can make 5 Digit income easily through blogging, but it’s not that easy as many of us think.

It needs proper time, proper concentration, proper skills etc.

So what are you waiting for? Do blogging now!

Skills to learn before diving into blogging

The blogging is not that easy as you think it needs a loads of learning to become successful or to make a living online through blog.

Look below, I have mentioned some of them:

Writing a proper content:

What does it mean by a proper content?

I know you are thinking the same that content is content, If you are thinking this then sorry to say that you are not even a blogger.

Have you checked Quicksprout by Neil Patel?

If not then you have to, there you’ll learn the real content writing, I personally love his content writing skills, I think he is more than expert!

So you have to learn proper content writing.

Let me explain you that what is proper content? The content which have no grammatical mistakes, Proper on-page SEO, easy to understand infact that content should be understood by 5 years old kid.

This is much, if you can write in this way then your content is called a well written content!

Link building and Proper keyword Research (SEO):

You must be thinking that why I don’t cover the whole SEO, because I believe in these two, If you know that how to do proper keyword research and Link building then I must say buddy sky is your only limit!

You can learn SEO here: SEO Guide,

So learn from the post I mentioned above and become a Professional SEO savvy!

Optional: Designing a theme:

This is not that important, I have just mentioned it to make you knew that which skills others have, Just to tell you the competition in the blogging world.

Many bloggers are designing their own themes and publishing in their blogs at no cost, What does it benefit? It makes you more reliable in the newbies eyes that you are professional enough.

So choice is yours.

The more skills you have the more professional you’ll look!

My research says : In the blogging world user experience is everything. If you have great user experience, you are the KING!

Read: What Is SEO Friendly Design?


How much time these things will take to learn?

In my opinion, you’ll learn these all time to time, It’s not that easy to learn these all things so try to learn all these things step by step like first you have Learned SEO then Designing skills and so on!

How you can learn these?

There are many institutes nowadays, if you want to learn offline you can choose one of them, If not then you can learn online easily, The most favorite institute of mine is Udemy.

Cleared? Let’s move on!

Best platform to choose before diving into blogging:

What does it mean that best platform, the platform is just platform, If you are thinking this then you are not aware to blogging platforms.

In my opinion the platform is everything if you choose a good platform then the things get easy.

Many newbies think that blogger is the best platform, Yeah it is but in my opinion blogger is not, WordPress is best of all.

You should follow experts, to be expert!

Don’t forget the great saying : 

[Tweet “The cheaper buyer gets bad meat.”]

FAQ’s :

You have to buy domain and hosting if you want to dive into blogging?

My answer of this question will be Yes of course! you have to buy the domain and hosting to get a good impact in other blogger eyes!

Don’t forget : 

[Tweet “A man is known by the company he keeps.”]

Cleared? I know you are!

How to properly start a blog from A-Z :

Don’t even forget :

[Tweet “When there is will, there is a way!”]

So let’s get into proper guide that how you can start a blog from A-Z.

  1. Select a Niche at which you’re really good and can write thousand’s of contents on that topic.
  2. Select a domain name : The domain must be branded and Exact match to your niche.
  3. Buy hosting and domain : Must be from great company.
  4. Set it up on WordPress (It’s easy) : You can use Softaculous to install it.
  5. Choose best WordPress theme (Don’t use nulled themes, buy one or you can use my theme).
  6. Install Needy plugins : Don’t forget too much plugins slow your site and the slow site is bad impact in google’s eye and in User’s eye.
  7. Write your first ever content : Don’t forget to write atleast of 1000+ words article, To get user interaction + To get good impact in google eyes. Just remember that the more you write words, the more you look professional. And one more thing write for users not for google, do provide better information than all of your competitors.
  8. Publish it!
  9. Do share it on Social media : The more social media account you have, the more traffic you’ll gain.

Conclusion :

Let me conclude this article by saying, The more you’ll spend time and money in this world, The more you can get benefit!

So, this was my first ever article on Bornblogger, Don’t forget to share it with your friends if you really like my small efforts.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts using comments.

I’m eagerly waiting for your comments and shares!

6 thoughts on “A Comprehensive Beginners Guide To The Blogging World!”

  1. Hey, Abdul

    Really Nice guide, loved your content and Your blog designs. And If this theme is still available for sale! then email me themes cost… 🙂 ThANK YoU!

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