Today I brought The definitive and exclusive SEO Guide or Search Engine Optimization Guide which is never seen before on any blogs. So take advantage of it!
SEO, I know it’s a word that every blogger want to know from S to O and finding it all over the internet.
The reason I’m bringing this Search Engine Optimization Guide is to help beginners and seasoned bloggers as well to understand each and everything in SEO.
I’m sure that this Search Engine Optimization Guide contains the information which is never seen before anywhere on the internet.
You can say this Search Engine Optimization Guide contains secrets that SEO Experts never gonna tell you because these are the things they’re doing for ranking their articles.
It’s not that easy as we all think it is, many Professionals and SEO experts even don’t know the S of SEO and doing very well.
Just think that if they know the whole SEO then “sky is the only limit” they have.
I think only Google is the king and Google knows better and full SEO.
You can see my rankings are going very well, many asked me on my social media profiles that how you’re doing that great even you’re not working properly on your blog and all that. I told them that I’ll surely gonna post my whole techniques that I’m using to rank well and these will be the one which SEO experts are using.
Also Read: Best SEO Service in Hyderabad
Remember nothing is rocket science, ranking is not that easy I know but not that hard as beginners think.
If you properly give attention towards your work then I swear sky is your only limit!
[Tweet “Hard Work + Smart Work = $$$ “]
Everyone know that SEO has two types one is On-Page and second is Off-Page, if you do Off-Page well and don’t concentrate on On-Page then I’m sorry that you’re wasting your time and if you’re doing On-Page well and only doing link building in Off-Page then you can succeed means On-Page is backbone of SEO, if you want to stand out then On-Page SEO is important than Off-Page.
N.B: I’m not promoting On-Page or not telling that don’t do Off-Page, Off-Page is also very important. I’m just sharing my personal experience.
If you do both of them then you can get what others are not getting.
I think this introduction is enough, so let’s get into the article.
I’ll love, if you tweet! 😉
[Tweet “#SEO #Guide: #Exclusive #Search #Engine #Optimization Guide!”]
Table Of Contents
What Is SEO?
First thing is first, in this video which is made by Ammar for me you’ll learn what is Search Engine Optimization or SEO exactly?
Watch the video below:
Understanding The On-Page & Off-Page SEO
In this video you’ll understand that what actually On-Page and Off-Page SEO is, Do watch it out!
On-Page SEO – The Backbone Of SEO!

First thing is first, what is On-Page SEO, it’s essential part of SEO or you can say the backbone of SEO (as I already mentioned above), it’s from where SEO starts.
Not getting? huh, let me give you the simple definition:
“Any thing you do inside your blog/website to get better SERP is known as On-Page SEO”.
Below I brought some proven and effective methods to properly optimize your site for better On-Page SEO which means better SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
[Tweet “Better #OnPageSEO = Better #SERP!”]
Content always matters. Without proper SEO friendly content writing, your blog is nothing.
You’ll never get Search Engine Traffic for your content if you don’t know the SEO Friendly Content Writing.
I’ve written an Exclusive Guide On SEO Friendly Content Writing, which contains each and every techniques in order to make your content SEO Friendly.
It’s most updated guide on Internet! So take advantage from it.
This is what every blogger or content writer need!
Head over to my SEO Friendly Content Writing Guide:
“The Proven Guide On SEO Friendly Content Writing!”
Website Speed
A good website speed always attract visitors/buyers.
Why speed matters? Speed matters a lot as it can gain or lose respect in visitor’s eye.
Let me give you a good example:
Let’s suppose you have came across to my blog, the blog taking too much to load.
Would you like to stay for couple of seconds? I can surely say that you’ll not!
You’ll click the close button and head over to another website/blog.
Because of my Load Time I’ve loss a visitor, who can be my customer later!
It’s not about only one, it’s about thousands!
It’s also a ranking factor in Google, you know we all want to happy Google and we all want to make our website/blog SEO Friendly.
The good page load time is under 1 second.
You can check your blog/website’s loading time on GTMetrix easily.
Now the question is how you can improve your Website Speed? Have a look below:
I’ve wrote a complete guide on how you can make your website/blog’s Page Load Time under 1 second.
Head over to this amazing guide on:
“How You Can Make Your Website/Blog’s Page Load Time Under 1 Second“
I hope that this guide will give you a boost in your Page Load Time as many getting good results daily with the help of my Guide. 🙂
Importance Of Design
Design have it’s own importance in terms of SEO.
If you’ve the Google friendly and User Friendly design then it can help you to achieve the success in SERP early.
I’ve arranged a round up on topic “What is Google Friendly Design?” where many experts reveled the things they’re using to make Google Friendly Design.
Below I highlighted two things which are really important factors for Google Friendly Design:
Responsive Design
Responsive design really important in terms of SEO.
The Google is also showing a tag of “Mobile Friendly” for the sites/blogs which have responsive design on their search results.
Google also announced that they’ll gonna divide indexation for Mobile and Desktops. (Source)
.@methode: Google creating a sep mobile index, which will be it’s primary index. Desktop will be a secondary index,less up to date #Pubcon
— Lisa Barone (@LisaBarone) October 13, 2016
Tell me that how much a responsive design is important in terms of SEO.
You should have responsive design as it’s too important nowadays.
There are many sites who provide responsive themes, i.e. MyThemeShop, etc.
You can check my site is pretty responsive which is designed by me.
N.B: You can check whether your site is responsive or not on Google Mobile-Friendly Test.
Clean coded design and eye catching/design design matters a lot as it makes the reader to easily navigate into your site and solve their problems.
If you really want to engage thousands of visitors over night then you should use the theme which is attractive.
Don’t forget! A simple, eye catching and attractive lady always attract man rather than a lady with lots of make-up on her face!
If you’re not good designer then you should use my recent designed theme, which can be found here.
[Tweet “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”]
Off-Page SEO – Build Authority!
[responsive_video type=’youtube’ hide_related=’1′ hide_logo=’1′ hide_controls=’1′ hide_title=’1′ hide_fullscreen=’1′ autoplay=’0′][/responsive_video]
Off-Page SEO is the most important part for converting our blog to an authority and getting converting traffic.
It’s used to rank a website in SERPs in a very short period of time, If you do it correctly.
Like you want to rank a keyword “SEO Guide” then you have to dirty your hands with hardcore Off-Page SEO (I’m targeting it 😛 ).
You can’t be expert in Off-Page SEO easily, it takes years of years to become an expert in Off-Page SEO.
[Tweet “Better #OffPageSEO = First Page Of #Google”]
Link Building
Whenever we think about Off-Page SEO we just start thinking of backlinks, am I right? Yes I’m!
It’s one of the popular method of nowadays, from which you rank any of your keywords in Google.
I know, making an authority backlink is not as easy as we all think, but it can depend upon you.
It needs time, years and experience to be expert in Link building.
Believe me, if you start proper link building then you can rank any of your keywords on Google for sure. 🙂
Well, it’s quite complicated, I know, but I have mentioned some awesome and proven techniques below to make link building easy to you.
I know you’re curious to know about them, without taking your time, let’s start!
Some Mostly Used Link Building Techniques:
- Becoming Contributor:-Â Writing on another high authority site is not an easy task but once your article approved, it will be skyrocket change in your rankings for sure.
- Broken Link Building:-Â If you’re new to this word “SEO” or trying to learn it then you might be listening it first time, yes broken link building thing exists.
- Profile Backlinks:-Â Getting a profile link is getting more trust in Google’s eye for sure.
- Competitors Analysis:- Sometimes, your competitors make your work easy, hack their system (not that hack 😛 ) spy on their backlink ideas you’ll surely get free of cost backlinks at no time.
These were some of the techniques I’ve shared with you for making backlinks for your blog.
Nevertheless, I have written a whole 3000+ words guide on Backlinks, go and read it out (yes it contains above steps with more details, though).
“Proven Link Building Techniques – You’ll Curious To Know!“
Social Signals
Social Signals are great ranking factor nowadays.
If you want to rank any particular article/content then you may try this.
Many of my friends ranked their keywords just by social sharing.
And yeah, it’s proven!
You might be thinking a nofollow backlink from social media can really help?
Yeah they can.
You know what? Most of the traffic is from Social media.
Just create a hype in social media, like if you’re going to write on any unique topic in your blog.
Post that title and write that how many of you want to know these techniques or anything that is related to your article.
So whenever you publish the post tag them all as they’ll be happy for tagging.
You’ll see the magic in no time.
Don’t forget to share your new article on Groups in Facebook and Google+ communities as well (Related to your niche).
You’ll really see the change in your traffic along with Google rankings.
The most famous social media sites are Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin etc. You should try all to get some great traffic.
Remember! If you’re sharing your articles only one time and not again and again then you’re doing a great mistake here.
You have to share your articles as much as you can (Don’t spam).
It’s like spending time on content creation 20% and 80% time on it’s promotion.
The great Entrepreneur called Neil Patel explained this fact very deeply (I’m attaching the image below).
I hope you have understand that what Social Media sharing can do.
Do try it and share the results in the comments below. 🙂
Some Last Words On “SEO Guide”
Here, I’m wrapping up this article by telling you the most awesome techniques that I’m using and you should use too.
If you implement these all techniques which are mentioned above then believe me you’ll see awesome change in your traffic.
I have shared all the techniques that are working in 2017 and beyond.
I have followed these all techniques and you know what, my rankings are “Wow”.
Now my next target keyword is Search Engine Optimization Guide and I’m achieving this soon.
In this guide, I have also revealed some secrets which experts are doing well.
One more thing I want to say here that,
On-Page SEO optimized content give more value to your blog if you follow the On-Page SEO tips only then you can really get lot’s of results.
Brian Dean of Backlinko write only 30 contents in the year.
Well, you might be thinking that how he is getting so much traffic just by writing 30 articles in a year.
Actually, the secret technique behind it, he invest his time on Promotion because he know his content is top-notch and he will get auto promotions as well.
So the thing here is write content that get promotion easily, i.e. Case studies, secret tips etc.
If you’re not getting traffic, I just want to say that “Never Give Up”.
Giving up is not in my dicationary that’s why I’m here.
You never know when your door will open.
Do remember one thing only that is hustling and smart working (as I mentioned above).
Nothing is impossible in this world, we all know, so keep this in mind and remember that:
“Every Expert Was Once A Beginner”.
Do experiments, learn new things, implement the good ones and keep motivated.
These are the things to become expert easily.
[Tweet “An Expert Never Lose Hope And Do Experiments Till His Death! – Abdul Samad Essani”]
Do share this worthy SEO guide with your friends, if you found it useful!
Don’t forget it took me many long days to write this article just for my readers, I know you’ll appreciate my efforts by sharing this guide.
Happy Blogging and SEO.
This is great stuff. Thanks man.
Thanks for visiting .. 🙂
Happy that you liked it!
Abdul you’re my name sake mine is Abdul Kadiri by the way. I love your writing. I appreciate the effort you put into this posts keep the good work and Allah will continue to bless you.
Something else try to give more raw, actionable techniques in your posts it increases the value bye
Hello Samad,
Its Very Informative SEO Guide 🙂
Keep Sharing Posts Like This <3
Happy that you liked it Ali!
Keep visiting! 😉
Abdul Samad Essani You are good, highly appreciating your work. You are really amazing…
Thanks brother for appreciating 🙂
Keep following 😀
Thanks Abdul Samad Bro for giving us this progressive information. I am glad to see your good stuff….
Nice to see you here brother 🙂
Keep visiting 😀
Abdul Samad. That’s really great compilation. Keep it up.
Thanks brother… Keep visiting 😉
Love it. I have just tweet this article.
I loved to know that you tweeted this 🙂
Hope to see you again and again 😉
Great info.but you didnot mention keyword research and many other in on-page seo or this article not for newbie ?
You have to read it thoroughly … 🙂
I mentioned it on Content section!
Keep visiting 😉
Great info.but you did not mention keyword research and some other on page seo factor is this not for newbies mean #basics ?
You have to read the article thoroughly as I mentioned this in content section 😉
ahaaa great post 🙂 Samad you have cleared all these points in a unique way.
Thanks brother 🙂
Awesome post i been reading so many blogs but your blog is awesome and always comes with awesome articles
Thanks for reading my articles 🙂
THis article not long like nail patel or other seo blogpost though you told many point which must be followed also less but quality words and if we apply all the point written on this post then traffic will definately increase thanks for write a such kinds of valuable post.
The thing here is quality over quantity, Ofcourse, Neil is Neil but it’s that Neil never covered before! 😉
Hope you understand!
Great Article Abdul. It was a good read though but it is for beginners.
You mentioned very well and covered most aspects but i see you didnt mention the use of Alt tag with images?
Im writing an SEO guide too but yours one is exceptional. It was a good read.
Yeah, It’s for beginners but many Professionals don’t know much about something in this guide! 😉
I mentioned Alt tag etc. in Content section, read the article thoroughly 😀
Ohh, I can’t wait to see yours..
Thanks for landing buddy 😉
ih Sir Your Work is Appreciated and I’ll implement as well
Nice to know that you implemented and appreciated my work.. 🙂
Will love to see you again 😉
Gotta appreciate the effort it took to write it. Good goin
Thanks for appreciating buddy .. 🙂
Hope to see you again! 😉
Hi Abdul,
You have crafted a detailed guide for SEO and nothing is missing.
Keyword research, in-depth content, fast loading website, mobile responsiveness, on-page SEO, interlinking the old posts, linking high authority (Relevant) pages, and social signals are the good SEO startergies.
Thanks for including my post here, I feel good that I could write the helpful stuff for the WordPress users.
Have a good day ahead!
Hello Nirmala Mam,
I have done very hard work to make this one post as I done it in 3 long days 🙂
Yeah these all are the good strategies I ever experimented 😀
Your post deserve more than this Mam..
Nice to see you here seriously!
Hope to see you again and again 🙂
Hi Abdul, This is really an effective guide for all newbies like me. Abdul, I am facing some issues, I have keywords like app development sydney and it rank on 15th position, how can I jump into page 1 even my domain is from australia too. Please help me.
Thank you,
Techy Ashutosh
As I mentioned that Link building is best and easy method to rank any keyword.. 🙂
You have to build links brother as much as you can and then I hope the keyword will be on first page 🙂
Do visit again and again!
Hi Abdul Samad Essani,
Thanks for providing this great piece of content on SEO. You have covered many important SEO factors in this post. Now i will suggest this guide to my friends and followers.
Nice to know that you’ll gonna share it with your friends and you liked it 🙂
Hope to see you again!
Hey Abdul,
I want to make a quick stop over here to say thanks for the link and mention. So much appreciated.
You’ve touched the 3 aspects of SEO :
– Technical SEO
– On page SEO
– Off page SEO
Excellent guide
Hello Enstine.
Nice to see you here brother 😀
You deserve more than this!
Yeah I have touched 3 aspects of SEO for beginners 😀
Thanks for landing brother 😉
A clean and useful guide for newbies 🙂
Keep it up!
Thanks buddy for landing here 🙂
Appreciated that you liked it! 😀
Great Work Bro,
I just read the full guide and Impressed very much that It cover’s all the topics and detailed SEO Mistakes and the Solution in one guide. I am learning and try to implement the techniques on my blog to boost in SEO. INSHAHALLAH
Keep Sharing you knowledge with us so we Learn new things Day by day. Thanks !
Thanks brother.
Yeah it covers almost all new techniques of doing SEO in 2016 😀
I love to share my experiments and knowledge with you all 🙂
Keep visiting!
Great post, i have just read your post,its really very informative and useful SEO guide,you have covered all topics i a single post,thanks for your hard work..its really worth reading post.
Nice to know that you liked it Madan. 🙂
Keep visiting to get more information buddy! 🙂
Hai Bhai,
Guide was just simple and awesome solid points overtaken bro
Keep Rocking.
Thanks brother for liking my efforts 😀
Love to see you again here 😉
Hello, Samad Bacha!
First Fantastic Start 😛 This is Informative SEO Guide Post! I like Your Awesome Writing Style,
God Blessed You, My Brother, Keep up The Good Work, I love You Bacha 🙂 😀
Have a Romantic Day 🙂
You know what brother, I love to see your comment everytime as you appreciate a lot and motivate me to keep doing blogging 😀
Thanks brother for landing on my small blog 😀
Great Work Bro,
I Never seen this type of work… i Appreciate this.
Keep On Going.
Thanks alot buddy for appreciating …
Hope to see you again and again 😀
Hi Abdul Samad,
Loving it from the depth of my heart 🙂
You made it man, I am sure, how much time this guide has taken 😉
Thanks for sharing.
~ Ahmad
Nice to see you here again Ahmed 🙂
Yeah it’s really hard to write this but not impossible 😉
Thanks buddy. Appreciated!
Hi Abdul,
Thank you for Sharing Valuable Post, This is one of the excellent posts and enjoyed it. Got some good idea like Guest Post.
Keep Sharing like this 🙂
Nice to see you here Mohan.
Thank you for reading bro.
Keep visiting 😉
it is amazing tricks about SEO Onpage and OffPage i get more information from here .
Thanks Admin. Keep Sharing these kind of info with us
Thanks for reading 🙂
Keep visiting. 😉
Abdul Samad Essani you have done a great work. I have just started my site on wordpress still wondering for seo. I will definitely get help for my health related blog.
Insha’Allah your blog will rank 🙂 Thanks for liking my efforts.
Really was a Definitive SEO guide, I think you have worked so hard to write this Article.Keep It Up Brother (Y).
Going to share it Now..It really worth.
Thank you for reading bro.
Keep visiting 🙂
And Thanks for sharing 🙂
Very informative article!
I want to know which WP theme you are using? I really like it. Waiting for your reply 🙂
The Theme I’m using is custom Genesis Theme 🙂
I designed it myself. 🙂
Hi Samad,
It is true that every blogger wants to optimize SEO to his/her website. Most of the traffic for a Website comes from search engine.
Every blogger knows this that’s why they use various methods in order to improve site ranking in search engine results.
The best way is to create a content that has already enabled SEO techniques.
I have found many new strategies in your post to improve website ranking.
Thanks for publishing this useful and valuable post.
With regards,
Exactly you’re right! Thanks for reading buddy. 🙂
Nice Post
Nice Post Abdul Samad Bhai 🙂
Nice Article! Although I have not read it thoroughly but I have saved it on my mobile and it will enjoy it in my leisure time…
Abdul Samad I was wondering how are you getting ranked with only 4 posts
But after reading this post, get the secrets of you blogging!
Keep sharing such useful content.
Haha buddy! Thanks for liking my small efforts.
Hope to see you again soon 😉
I have red the whole article, but I don’t like one thing, you said 2000+ words articles are ranking but its not truth, i have a blog where my one post receives about 1000 page views daily and the whole article is about 750 words.
Not only this on other blog I have a post 5000 + words but I don’t see any good results. (Don’t thing i have copied a little piece of line in any post)
Please remove 2000 + line from this piece of information,
overall your guide is very good well written and is also interesting to read, i appreciate it!
Brother, You can see there I mentioned that SERPIQ researched this strategy and you know what it’s working really great for me as well for experts like Neil Patel etc.
I have experienced this 🙂
It’s only about majority. 😉
Abdul Samad Bhai
You are absolutely right but number of words are not only thing which causes ranking, i also read many articles on this topic, after experimenting for 1.5 years i conclude words does not matter much our post should have at least 600 words.
but if you want to increase the words then they are depended on the niche of your blog.
now take an example. if your blog is related to technology I think it is very hard to write 1000 + words on many technology topics like “How to add all friends to Facebook group” but if your blog is related to blogging then you can write 3000 + words easily.
ponder on this point
Your Point Is Good Buddy! 🙂
Everyone Have Their Own Experiments On SEO Buddy!
Keep visiting!
Hey Abdul,
What an amazing guide!
Well created one
I am bookmarking it, and i already curated this in some of my content marketing curating sites,.
Worth sharable post
Keep sharing such post.
May you have a great time of sharing and caring
Thanks a lot of this kind feedback buddy!
Thanks for the share 😉
Keep visiting!
Hey Abdul, Really, Your definitive SEO Guide was great. I have never seen this type of A-Z posts on SEO on the internet before. Well Done. Keep Sharing more valuable and useful posts.
Thanks for this lovely feedback dear!
Keep Visiting!
Hello, good post. I think, content quality and relevancy is most important thing above all. No matter how much SEO you do and promote you blog post, but if it is not quality work it will loose attention and promoting content to irrelevant readers means waisting time and money.
And one more thing, linking is good but i never understand that how nofollow link work for Search ranking?
Yeah you’re right, Quality can do wonders 😉
Brother if you do create only dofollow then search engine will think that your site is spam!
So it’s beneficial having both!
Hi Abdul,
You explained everything here…I would say put this one in an ebook and sell it 🙂 Really there is nothing you have left out and it is a wonderful tutorial with many how to’s.
It is great for the Newbie as well as the seasoned blogger.
Wow Donna, Your feedback is quite awesome!
Actually I was thinking to make an ebook rather than this guide!
Will surely write one and I’ll share with you all soon!
Yeah, you’re right it’s beneficial for both the noob one and the pro ones! 😉
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for the advanced SEO guide. This should be very helpful for beginners like me and others.
Ahan buddy! Thanks for liking and reading.
No doubt it’s helpful for beginners and professionals too!
See you soon on next topic!
Do you think that Bounce Rate is a Ranking Factor ?
In my opinion it’s beneficial but not a ranking factor as google don’t check bounce rates!
Thanks for visiting! 🙂
Nowadays, Social bookmarking is very important. I have learned some new things from your post. Thanks for sharing your information.
Thanks for reading, Hope to see you again 😉
Thanks brother for this extra ordinary guide 🙂
Keep it up!!!
Pleasure to have you here!
Hi Abdul,
Speed is so big these days! Which is why I had my theme completely redesigned and why i bought a CDN recently. Now my blog is pretty darn fast. Which google loves 😉
Huge SEO ranking factor these days, speed is.
Thanks for the awesome post dude!
Hey Ryan,
First of all thanks for coming here, Really means a lot! No doubt, Nowadays speed matters a lot.
Thanks once again for stopping by ryan.
i AM QUITE INSPIRED THAT YOU STARTED JUST 2012 AND YOU ARE ALREADY A SUCCESS. it gives me the courage that i can succeed blogging too. Thanks for the super seo article
I’m so happy to know that I inspired someone 🙂
Keep reading and visiting!
Very informative SEO guide!!
Thanks for sharing detailed SEO guide.
First Time I visit your blog and found very informative articles.
Thanks for reading 🙂
Stay blessed!
It’s almost right. I Like this Information.
Thanks for coming!
Keep Visiting <3
Great information you shared buddy, keep updating us with awesome articles like this 🙂
Love to see you here, Karan!
Thanks for reading…I’m doing hard efforts to provide you with such posts!
Keep Motivating me and come again!
Brother you are beauty. you write amazing article. i HOPE everyone like it. i am coming again and again to read this because it help me alot .
Thanks a lot man, appreciated a lot from your comment.
Thanks for coming again and again here at my small blog buddy! 🙂
aMazing guide Abdul… Cleared my ideas 🙂
Keep learning and visiting!
It is very informative. Thanks a lot for sharing it. You obviously put a lot of work into that post and its very interesting to see the thought process that you went through to come up with those conclusion. Thanks for sharing your deep thoughts. I must admit that I think you nailed it on this one.
I think that the secret of success in the SEO varies. Determined on the nature of your own websites, the best approach might differed from some other kinds of individual blogs.
Hey Swapnil,
Thanks for the appreciation man.
Keep visiting! 🙂
Hi Abdul!
This is my first visit and I am amazed by reading this wonderful post.
Really, It’s tough to right such long posts, you are really putting lots of efforts to help the community.
I am sure you are crushing your limits to be here for long time.
Best wishes for you. 🙂
Hello Jai Gupta,
Loving to see you first time here man.
Really putting efforts in writing these kind of posts but I know I’m helping the community. 😉
Thanks for the appreciation buddy, Keep visiting!
Have a great day!
Hello, Samad Bro!
A Great and informative SEO Guide.
When I think about SEO, the first thing comes to my mind is On-Page-SEO (Post Title, shareFresh and Top-Quality Content, URL Structure, Use of H1, H2, bold, italic tags, Fast loading web pages, image optimization and the description of the post.)
After publishing the post, I’ll start following Off-Page-SEO rules – Internal linking, blog commenting on other sites using the post link (Building Backlinks), social sharing and bookmarking as well.
Thanks for sharing these excellent tips with all of us. <3 🙂
Hey Paramjot,
Glad that you liked my SEO Guide! 🙂
You’re doing right strategy for your blog buddy!
Keep visiting!
Hi Abdul
A Great and impressive SEO Guide.I am learning lot of things from your amzing and heart touching article.
Hey Bilal,
Thanks buddy for reading!
Just Now read all the post and bookmarked it for future reference. everything is fine whatever you wrote, here I want to add some more info to get traffic and get backlinks from high DA blogs.
Secret: Try to actively participate on forums and do some forum submissions.
Thank’s Abdul Samad Essani for giving this opportunity to me.
Thanks brother! 🙂
Keep reading!
Subscribe for more!
Hey Abdul Samad,
This article is great. I like when the post is instructive and well-talked. Much thanks to you for this.
Awesome enlightening site. I’m truly awed subsequent to perusing this blog entry. I truly welcome the time and exertion you go through to impart this to us!
Thanks for reading, appreciated by your words!
Stay tuned, subscribe!
Some great points covered. Thanks for the post.
Pleasured! 🙂
great work and thanks for sharing with us…
Pleasured! 🙂
Complete “SEO Guide.” 🙂
I Loved the way you share each and every point very clearly.
I would like to read and learn more in future.
Great! Keep it up.
– Paramjot Singh
Hey Paramjot Singh,
Thanks for appreciating buddy! 🙂
Sure I’ll do these type of posts in future, Subscribe for more!!! 🙂
nice article
Thanks! 🙂
Hi Samad,
What an EPIC post!
Great and valuable things are mentioned in the Epic post.
I bookmarked it for my further use.
Hey, this post has been mentioned in one of my posts.
Here is the link for your reference:
Thanks for sharing such a researched article for the benefit of your fellow bloggers
Keep it up.
May you have a great week ahead.
Talk soon. 🙂
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hello Philip Sir,
Thanks for the appreciation, means a lot!
Thanks for mentioning me in your valuable post!
It really means me a lot!!
Take care!
Very use full article. It will save lot of time. Thanks for sharing.
Pleasure that you liked, Keep visiting! 🙂
Very informative post. Learn lots of new things from it. Thanks for the awesome share.
Happy that it helped!
Keep visiting! 🙂
very useful article. Thanks for this.
Keep visiting!
@ Abdul Samad- SEO is been well defined, well described… Loved the Info Graphics, sometimes pictures speaks more than the words..
Thanks a sharing.
Hey Navin,
Thanks for the appreciation buddy!
I have no words to describe my gratitude for u. I have came across many blogs for better SEO but today I get everything under one article.. Thank you so much for sharing this article..
Hey Hitendra,
Thanks buddy!
Hi Abdul Samad,
Great and very informative guide. Do Social Signals count in ranking factor?
Looking forward to your response.
Obviously buddy, it’s a ranking factor.
Thanks for landing here.
Very informative and useful post buddy!
Really this is a must read guide for every blogger, so that he/she can rank his/her blog in SERPS easily!
BTW, you should also mention some SEO tools and how to use them like – ahrefs, SEMRUSH, etc.
Thanks! 🙂
Hey Nitishk,
Thanks a lot buddy for appreciating my efforts, Keep visiting!
This was an awesome and helpful article. Thank you very much for sharing..
Hey Francis,
Thanks a lot buddy!
Outstanding blog post, buddy about SEO Guide. I’m gonna apply these tips.
Thanks again! 😉
Hey Shakir,
Thanks man for the appreciation!
Keep visiting! 🙂
Well, the whole article was awesome and perfect and the addition of a table of content and few images help me a lot.
Though was a nice article. 🙂 Thanks
Hey Junaid,
Thanks man!
Very use full article Thanks for the post.
Keep visiting buddy!
I Loved the way you share each and every point very clearly.
I would like to read and learn more in future.
Great! Keep it up.
Hi Usman,
Glad that you liked it and appreciated!
Keep visiting.
Thanks man i am proud of you. I am from pro blogging secrets. I am a Pakistani professional blogger. I learn all about form my bros : you, Muhammad, Wali. Great job yar…
Hey Moqaddar,
Thanks a lot buddy.
I’m so much happy that you landing here.
Very use full article Thanks for the post
Keep visiting!
Hi Abdul,
Wow such an in-depth article on SEO. I am always looking for information that will help me improve my SEO efforts. While I don’t like to focus 100% on SEO, I do take the time to optimize my blog posts.
I used to take the time to build a bunch of backlinks for my blog back in the day. But when Panda hit my site and it tanked, I now tend to focus my marketing efforts elsewhere.
Although, I agree that building backlinks is great for ranking a website. I just prefer not to do it because I don’t want my site to get penalized. I tend to focus more on networking with other bloggers through commenting and am getting into guest posting.
So while these methods may create a backlink, I prefer not to look at it from that aspect.
Thanks for sharing this information for free, most people would package it up and sell it.
Have a great day 🙂
Hi Susan,
Thanks a lot for appreciation, I’m really glad that you liked.
Sad that your site hit by PANDA back, hope that you recovered.
Guest post is the beast, if you do it properly, sky will be your limit.
Lovely Man! But Off-page could be a much powerful tactic if handled properly.
Hi Essani,
I Loved the way you share each and every point very clearly.very useful and informative post buddy.
I would like to read and learn more in future.
Great! Keep it up.
I think this is one of the most vital information for me.
And i am glad reading your article. But should remark on some general things, The
website style is perfect, the articles is really
nice : D. Good job, cheers