Proven Link Building Techniques – You’ll Curious To Know!

Link building techniques are very uncommon thing in online industry.

Nowadays, Bloggers are very curious to know the link building techniques as this is the way to get thousands of visitors through SERP.

I’m writing on SEO since I started this blog.

Many readers on this blog emailed me to write on link building topic.

I thought why not I’ll write on this topic to make this topic understood among bloggers.

I’ll share the techniques that I’m using and most of them are uncommon which I think you never heard (If you’re new to SEO).

There are many ways to build backlinks.

The thing here is White hat and black hat techniques to build backlinks.

White hat link building techniques last forever and black hat not more than two to four weeks.

Which method is good? White hat or black hat?

Obviously, White hat!

I’m not black hat SEO expert in fact I never told myself a SEO Expert but I proudly say myself an Experienced SEO Boy who know only white hat methods.

I know the days I struggled with SEO Stuffs when I started blogging.

But, I told myself never give up!

One day you’ll get juicy fruits.

And today I know many things about SEO and now I’m known as SEO Consultant in industry.

Well, it’s something different than the topic, the topic is on Link Building.

Did You Know? “Link Building is #1 Google Ranking Factor!”

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N.B: If you need to learn SEO from beginning to advanced check out our guide on SEO now.

What Is Link Building?

There are many definitions of Link Building out there.

But, I need to explain it in a simple definition that is:

Getting a backlink from another website or blog is know as “Link Building”.

Quite simple? Yes you’ve understood that what actually is Link Building. (See, I can read your mind)

Why It Is Important To Build Backlinks?

Many experts in industry say that Link Building is one of the way to rank our websites/blogs in SERP.

Importance of Backlinks can’t be described in words as they’re many.

But, This phrase (below) can surely help you to understand the importance of Link Building:

Google give so much importance to backlinks, it help Google to measure your site quality.

In other words, Google see backlinks as votes.

Understood the importance of Link Building? I know, you’ve!

Types Of Link Building Techniques

There are 2 types of Link Building.

First is White Hat Link Building Techniques and second is Black Hat Link Building Techniques.

As I’ve already mentioned above that White Hat Link Building Techniques will last forever.

Don’t worry, here I’m going to share White Hat Link Building Techniques that will last forever for sure.

Can You Do Link Building?

I knew in start, building backlinks will be bit complex for you but after reading this article it will be as easy as never before.

Tell me only one thing that is,

SEO Experts or you can say Link builder have 4 legs, 4 hands or they’re not humans like us?

Your answer must be quite simple.

No, they are human beings like us.

Understood what I want to say? No? Okay let me tell you.

It’s simple, that they are not super natural powers, they are human beings like you and me.

You can also do Link building as they’re doing.

Link Building Techniques

I have already told you each and everything about link building.

As far as I know you’re curious to know how you build backlinks? (Yes, I told you before that I can read your mind).

So, here I’m going to share each and every step for link building that will really help you to build backlinks and rank your websites/blogs in Search engines.

Guest Blogging [Info-Graphics Too]

Gain Backlinks Through Guest Blogging
Gain Backlinks Through Guest Blogging. (Source)

If you’re not new to link building you’ve already heard about link building, I know.

But this is one of the effective method that works well and will work.

Doing guest post on authority blogs is not an easy task in order to get approved you need to write content that will stand out from crowd, that mostly gets hell lots of shares otherwise you won’t get approved.

If you’re good at writing contents then you’ll easily get approved.

Steps To Do Guest Post:

  1. Find blogs that accepts guest posts (Must be 20+ Domain authority).
  2. Do remember that your guest blog must be related to your niche.
  3. Start writing content that will stand out from crowd.
  4. Once you wrote, do submit (the blog which you’ve chose to do guest post on).
  5. If you get approved, you’re good at writing and you can try more blogs too.
  6. If not, don’t worry, go and submit to another blog and you’ll get approved for sure.
  7. Try, try and try you’ll get approved for sure.

Trick To Get Approved Easily:

If you’re not approved by your content then you simply do one thing, hire an awesome content writer.

Do tell him/her to write something different and top-notch content for you.

Pay him/her what they want but tell them to write quality article.

From this trick, you’ll surely going to approve even at high authority blogs.

Things To Keep In Mind:

  • Write atleast 2000+ words guest post in order to get approved.
  • Try to write catchy headlines for your guest post.
  • Write post that is free of grammatical mistakes.
  • Hire writer if you can’t fulfill this job (as I’ve already mentioned above).

Roundup Posts

Have you seen?

Nowadays, many blogs are doing roundup posts.

They most likely write titles like

  • Experts Reveled…..
  • Expert Advice on……
  • 20 Experts Said…….
  • and so on.

Well, if you didn’t then I’m here.

First let me explain that what roundup actually means.

Roundup posts is something like doing guest posts on other blogs but not like that one guest posts.

Many bloggers in industry doing roundup posts to get more attractiveness for their blog posts.

They’ll ask questions and you’ll have to answer that question.

You’ll get featured on their blogs along with your blog URL.

Why they’re doing this?

Let’s take an example, If I’ve wrote a post on Link Building and on some other blog there is a post that is full of expert advice and they shared their views on Link Building, which one get more potential?

Obviously, the expert one.

Quite simple, by doing roundups they get more potential and you get a backlink.

But your blog need to be good and you need to knowledgeable  in order to participate in a roundup otherwise your views/opinions will not get approved.

How To Find Roundup Posts?

There are many effective ways to find roundup posts, some of them (that worked for me) I’m sharing below:

Finding roundup posts through Twitter:

  • Go to twitter.
  • You’ll see a search bar at the right side.
  • Now search for the following term below (Choose any of these).

Note: I have written my niche which is “blogging” replace “blogging with your own niche.

  • “roundup” “blogging”
  • “post of the week” “blogging”
  • “article of the week” “blogging”
  • “recommended blogs” “blogging”
  • “recommended blog posts” “blogging”

Got me? nah?

What these searches will do?

They will bring all the tweets that were posted by those twitter user who is either looking to link to someone, or already have linked.

You can follow them, be their true follower.

And when the time comes, try to convince them, and say if they can link to you.

This is a bit complex, but it works quite well.

Finding roundup posts through Facebook:

If you’re on Facebook you must be having some blogger friends.

As roundups are now trend, they must give roundup post invitation on their profile whenever they held a roundup post on their blogs.

Don’t have friends? Don’t worry!

There is a group on Facebook where people share their roundup post questions and they get answered by many members on group, you can make use of it.

Join that, and you’ll get hell lots of roundup posts, more roundup posts means more backlinks! 🙂

Join Group

Do keep in mind that write the answer that looks professional and which is to the point. Simple!

Forums Link Building

Forums are yet effective ways to build backlinks.

They usually known as signature links too.

There are many forums out there where you can answer questions which are asked by their members and in return you’ll get a backlink.

Simply awesome, right?

But keep in mind, don’t become cheesy or spammer, be natural and write useful answers.

This is the way where you can get traffic along with a powerful backlink.

I use two to three forums to answer people questions.

Like, Quora, Stackoverflow etc.

Because I need to be active and natural.

Broken Link Building

Listening it first time?

If you’re new to SEO thing, I know you’ve listened about broken link building first time.

Let me tell you one thing, it’s most proven way to build backlinks.

And in my opinion this will be the only way which will work in upcoming years.

What Is Broken Link Building?

Every day thousands of website get published and get deleted.

So, we take advantage of deleted/expired websites.

Simple, we firstly find a blog post related to our niche, with the help of our keyword and a search term.

After that if we see any broken link there we contact that website owner and tell them that your link is broken and I’ve also written on same topic on my website.

You can check that and link to my blog’s post.

Looking complex, but it’s not that much complex and don’t forget the thing that you’re getting authority links to your blog post along with the relationship with influencer.

How To Do Broken Link Building?

Moz written a whole guide on Broken Link building which can be found here.

You don’t need any guidance on Broken Link Building after reading their guide.

They have mentioned each and every step which can make you expert in broken link building.

Profile Backlinks

Profile links are good for driving traffic and getting fame as well as trust by google.

Free and Easy backlinks though, most of them are no follow and some of them are do follow, both are good as they also help in branding of a new site.

Some sites may take 2-3 weeks or more to index and some may take less time to index.

Who Should Make Backlinks At Such Sites?

Those who don’t know much about link building process and have a new site (Avg 1-4 months old).

If you have blog then you can start creating profiles and adding your blog URL there from now.

How To Get Backlinks From Such Sites?

  • Create/register an account there.
  • After creating your profile there now you will be able to edit your account in settings.
  • In that account settings, you’ll see an option to add URL of your blog/website.
  • You just need to add URL there and you’ll get a profile link.

Useful Tip: After creating profile on profile creation sites, don’t forget to share it on your social media profiles to for extra boost.

Process Velocity

Don’t start creating profile and adding links on all profile creation sites at once.

Create only three to five profiles on profiles creation sites in a day or two.

Hope so you’ll get result from profile creation sites.

You can also add links on Facebook and twitter.

Extra note: This is not too much helpful for ranking all of your keywords, but it has some other benefits too like getting backlink, trust in Google eyes, traffic and ranking at some extent.

How To Find Profile Creation Sites?

Finding them is a headache, I know.

I’ve found an awesome solution for you guys.

It’s so simple and easy way to find such sites.

Go to and Search for: Profile links/creation sites/List.

You’ll get thousands of profile link creation sites using this method easily.

Spy On Your Competitor

This method is white hat link building method and many experts are using this to get awesome backlinks without doing so much efforts.

By this method you’re not only getting backlinks but with method you’ll also get traffic and rankings.

You first have to analyze your competitors date using online tools and then you’ll able to see that how they’re creating backlinks.

This is simple yet effective method.

Well, you’ll be now wondering how to spy on competitors and getting backlinks from them.

I found AHREFS article on getting backlinks by spying on competitors and that is completely created for this.

You can found that article by clicking here.

Private Blog Network

The term Private blog network also known as PBN is one of the most uniquest way to build backlinks for your blogs.

I know you have heard PBN before as this is something that bloggers are now concentrating on.

But you have to careful as Google is penalizing many PBN(s).

You have to manage PBN as you’re managing own website/blog.

But once you make an awesome PBN then believe me moon will be your only limit for getting organic traffic or you can say ranking your keywords.

How To Make Private Blog Network (PBN)?

It’s a very lengthy process to make a Private Blog Network.

As I already told you that once you create an awesome PBN then you don’t need to create other backlinks.

You first need to scrap a wonderful expired domain and then buying another hosting etc.

Well, In this post I can’t tell you the whole process on how to make PBN as this is very lengthy topic.

No worries.

I have found an awesome article on it, which can be found here.

Do try it if you’ll have a PBN then you can get what your competitors can not.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 backlinks mostly helps to rank low competitive keywords, but it works well with medium or high competitive keywords also.

It’s super easy and quick way to generate some backlinks.

You just need to sign up in web 2.0 sites after signing up then adding some contents there along with your backlinks.

Well, it’s also another quite big topic, as I did earlier and doing it now that I found an awesome Long Tail Pro’s article about creating them and getting backlinks from web 2.0(s).

You can find that post by clicking here.

Email Outreaching

Outreach is a method of getting backlinks from other high authority sites by contacting their owners.

It’s looking quite simple but it’s really hard.

You need to write hell quality content in order to get backlinks from other high authority sites.

Just think, if someone email you that he/she written an article and he/she want you to give backlink to his site from your site in like minded article, if you don’t like that article would you give them?

I know your answer will be no, why should I give a backlink from my awesome article to creepy article? (See I told you many times, I can read your mind 😛 ).

Same would happen if you outreach influencer but your article will not worth to be linked in their article.

This is quite big process first you need to find out influencers, then their contact information and at the last sending them awesome email that convince them to give backlink to your site.

I have found complete guide regarding email outreaching that will make you expert in outreaching.

Click here to read that guide on email outreaching.

Also Marius shared 9 Surprisingly Effective Hacks he used with Influencers to Blast his Audience in Blogger Outreach.

Blog Commenting

The power of blog commenting is something you have to agree.

It have so much benefits like making relationships with Professional Bloggers in industry, getting free backlink, getting traffic and much more.

You just need to post a comment and in return you’re getting so much benefits, Quite awesome? right!

Keep in mind, your comment should be natural and engaging, you first need to read the post to write impressive comment there.

One of my blogger friend Adeel Sami is very good at commenting on other blogs at daily basis and you know what?

I talked to him personally when we met and he told me that most of the traffic he is getting from blog commenting, this is not end.

He also told me that the every relationship with bloggers I’ve made is just because of comments.

I was like wow Adeel and he was right.

If he can why not you?

Start commenting on good blogs right now, you’ll see a big change for sure.

Making Content That Attracts Backlinks

I know everyone can’t make a content that attracts backlinks automatically.

But have you heard this? “Nothing is impassible in this world”.

Exactly, you’ve already heard this most of times and this is 100% truth.

You can get backlinks easily if you have content that is hell awesome.

Great example: Have you seen here I gave backlinks to many blogs.

That’s what you can say a quality content that auto generate backlinks.

Tips To Write Content That Generate Backlinks

  • Write awesome headline for your content.
  • Try to write case study that worth a backlink.
  • Be natural, people love natural contents.
  • Add some memes on your contents, sometimes it works.
  • Add Info-graphics to your content, you’ll possibly get a backlink if someone link that info-graphics to his/her site.
  • Write lengthy contents.

Implement these all tips on your next content, you’ll really see a big change.

Video Sharing Sites

Video sharing sites are great way to get instant backlinks.

One of them is YouTube which allow you to upload your own video.

Well, how you can get backlinks from YouTube?

Make a short video of your contents.

Most people don’t love contents and they want it to be listen.

It’s simple whenever you write description of that video, simply add your desired site/blog URL in that description, quite awesome, I know! 😉

Building Backlinks Through Twitter (Secret)

Here I’m going to reveal a secret or you can less know technique for building backlinks through twitter.

I think you must be hearing this first time or you know this technique already.

Well, I’m not going to do the debate that you know or not.

I simply reveal it with my readers here.

It’s simple and easy way to build backlinks through twitter.

But how? I know you’re curious to know this method.

Not taking your too much time, here I’m going to tell you that how you can do that.

Okay, revealing it now!

In this method, you simply embed other influencers tweets on your post.

After doing this, notify them that you did that and tell them to share it too.

If they like it so much you can easily get a share over 50K+ followers along with the backlink (It’s depend upon them).

If you think it can’t work, it’s proven and tested by my friend and soon I’m going to test it. 🙂

One more tip, you can also mention there twitter account in your articles, and whenever you’re going to share on twitter that post just tag them.

End Of The Article

Here is the end of Link building techniques that really works.

I have shared some of the proven link building techniques that is working with many bloggers out there (Along with me).

Try them and comment below if anyone of them worked!

Don’t forget to subscribe for getting latest case studies about SEO (I’m going to share in upcoming days, for sure).

13 thoughts on “Proven Link Building Techniques – You’ll Curious To Know!”

  1. Hello, Samad!

    I am too glad seeing me listed down here, and thank you!

    And to this wonderfully detailed guide to Link Building. 🙂

    I always term “Link Building” as “Relationship Building”.

    If you’re doing an effort of acquiring links from the blogs, sites, etc., then why not turn this effort into relationship building.

    It takes a little more effort. And genuine contribution.

    I just say that just write your heart out in the comments.

    To make up a comment (even for the sake of link building), you got to read the full content to grasp the idea of the post.

    But writing one/two liner-based comments will mostly end up in spam or look suspicious.

    Because you are too precise and just here to say like “Thank you.”

    And this method does not sound like so credible to win an attention from the blogger.

    If you put in your heart, write like you really praise the effort of the blogger who wrote the piece, then you’re doing it so right.

    Even your very first comment on a new blog will pierce into the heart of the blogger who does not know you. 🙂

    So, pierce into the hearts of the bloggers!

    Win their attention.

    And be genuine, original and appraisal.

    Be different. Act different. Remain different.

    Thanks much, buddy! 🙂

    ~ Adeel

    1. Hello Adeel,

      It was a pleasure to list you here in my post. 🙂

      Well, you’re right, in other words, Link building is relationship building.

      And we need to win Professional Blogger’s attentions! 🙂

      Thanks for explaining this more deeply!

  2. Hey Samad,

    Link building is one the most important aspects of blogging. It helps to increase your blog’s domain authority.

    The more backlinks you have, greater will be the authority. Guest blogging is considered as the master plan to get the backlinks and it’s working.

    Submitting your blog to the forums can help.

    The best part is the blog commenting. Making human bonds and getting the backlinks can be really amazing.

    Thanks for sharing this article with us.

  3. Hi Samad,

    Indeed an excellent post, Well, you have nicely provided the in-depth details about the proven link Building strategies. Every blogger wants to know the significance of link building.

    You have shared all the handy resources which make it possible for bloggers to earn some quality backlinks easily and effectively by using these fantastic methods.

    Many thanks for quality share once again 🙂

    Keep writing



  4. Saqlain mighiana

    Nice article indeed. I want to ask one thing about blog comenting. You told blog should be of our niche. But what should be their authority and quality and for what reason i should not comment on any blog?

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