Finally I got what I want from couple of days, this was the reason I was not writing article because I wanna take Interview of the Gem Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai From I know you don’t need any introduction of Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai because he is well known personality in online world infect every newbie know him very well. Lemme start from my story, when I was newbie he was my first mentor who teach me how to do blogging from A to Z because I started from Blogger Platform which is own by Google and his site got almost every tutorial about Blogger.
I know I’m lucky enough that I got interview of Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai From 🙂 He is very humble and interesting personality in online field, I personally requested him and he didn’t neglect and gave me time from his tough schedule. I really thankful to him that he gave me his interview from his busy schedule. So let’s read 😉
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Mohammad Mustafa Interview From MyBloggerTricks
Question :- First of all thanks for giving Interview, We don’t need your introduction but as part of formality please tell us little bit about you.
Answer: Thank you Abdul Samad for considering me worth an interview. I was a plastic-bag-seller, belonging to a middle class family. My father used to sell shoes on a stall and would work day and night so that I could study well. During morning I would go school and after school I was back on work. Those little scars on my hands thought me the basic fundamentals to become self-dependent and responsible. This is my true introduction though 16 years old. I thank God daily for blessing me with such a start.
Today people know me by a different introduction. Some call me as the pioneer of blogging through Google Blogger in Pakistan while some know me as an entrepreneur living the dot come lifestyle. We run STCnetwork today which offers web services and solutions to clients across the globe. Its the first company of professional bloggers in Pakistan that has a permanent head office in Karachi and pays regular Income TAX.
Read this too : The Definitive SEO Guide – Never Seen Before!
Question :- How you took interest in blogging? Who was your inspiration behind blogging?
Answer: My true mentors were Indian bloggers like Divya Sai of and Aneesh Jospeh of Although they don’t blog anymore but as long as I am alive these names will always stay alive. This is my respect for my mentors.
They were hard working bloggers who loved sharing what they knew best. My interest in web development is a gift by them.
Question :- Tell us about yourself from childhood.
Answer: I loved flying kites back in Quetta. It was my best hobby as far as I can remember. I also loved riding a bicycle. I used to call it as my first asset! 🙂
I loved looking at tall constructions and had great interest in architectural engineering but I never thought I will become a Computer system engineer. Today I construct web apps and mobile apps.
I also share what I love with my 100K+ subscribers through our network blogs. We cover everything from Blogging, SEO, SMO, Affiliate marketing, Startup business ideas to Solo freelancing.
All we aim at is educating students and the unemployed with basic tools and skills required to earn a lucrative income online.
Question :- From beginning, you’re with your parents?
Answer: Of Course! And forever will I stay with them as their backbone. Weak are those who leave their parents after marriage or when their parents grow old.
Question :- Will you teach blogging to your kids?
Answer:Â Blogging is the best education you can teach to your kids. Its not only about a method to make a living online but blogging in short means:- “Sharing your knowledge with a crazy crowd of 2.8 billion people online”. I strongly believe in spreading knowledge for free rather than reserving it for material gain. Blogging teaches you to become humble, disciplined, punctual and to excel in your field of education. It is the best way to exercise your communication and social interaction skills.
We have shared dozens of plugins, widgets, icons, templates and web goodies for free just to help the youth to kick start their online business with zero investment. Today if there is anything that gives me more pleasure is knowing the fact that we have Alhamdulillah transformed thousands of students into entrepreneurs today!
My baby princess IFZA who is just 9 months of age, loves crawling around my laptop when I type! I hope to see her following my footprints inshAllah. I will surely not train her to become a victim of PLAN A system of life. PLAN B helped me to become what I am today and I will preach the same to people I meet in life.
Don’t forget to check :Â Top Pakistani Experts Who Reshaped Blogging!
Question :- How you manage time to do blogging? Like, Giving time to parents, to your wife, to Ifza (Your baby) and then Blogging ?
Answer:Â To be honest I spend more time with family then spending it online. What good is that online business if it is not automated? I work 4 days a week and enjoy the remaining 3 days with family and friends.
When I work, I work 16 hours a day and when I don’t, I rarely spend an hour online. It all depends on type of projects and its requirements.
Question :- Your blog is running on Blogger Platform, Why you haven’t migrated to WordPress? As many experts say that blogger is not good platform for professionals.
Answer:Â It is not what experts actually believe, they all live with an exaggerated myth. I have busted this myth comprehensively in this post:
Making a living online using paid platforms is easy but achieving it through a free platform gives a ray of hope to those who can’t afford. To set this example, I have never migrated. Today my blogger blogs make more revenue through advertisements compared to our WordPress blogs. In the end what matters more is your SEO skills and not the CMS platform.
You’ll love to read :Â 10+ Bloggers Share Ideas On Becoming Pro Blogger
Question :- Would you like to tell that how much you’re earning from your blog on monthly basis? and what is your sources of income?
Answer:Â When I started blogging, I would often get demotivated by looking at the monthly income reports of some Pro bloggers, their exposed dot-come life style, their luxury cars and country-tours. I would often ask God “Why can’t I earn that much when I work as hard as they are?” This was in fact a complain and not a request/Dua. When you look at people above you, you often become less thankful to God and hopeless with your efforts but when you look at those who are inferior to you, you become thankful to God and you would work even further.
Therefore I don’t want to follow the footprints of those people who brag about how rich they have become. My assets should not inspire those who follow me but the respect I have gained should be given priority. Becoming rich is not a complex task but earning respect in the Eyes of God and people matters more.
Those interested in how much I earn can estimate it easily by the sports-like car I drive, office I work in and apartment I live in Alhamdulillah. Let your eyes see it for itself.
I am strongly against online public display of Assets/RIZQ, it makes you less humble and more egoistic. Both these qualities are enough to sabotage your character.
My sources of earnings are the following:
- Web development Services
- Android Application Development
- Ecommerce Setup and Marketing
- SEO and SMO services
- Product Reviews
- Banner and Contextual Advertisement
- CPC Advertisement
- Affiliate Marketing
- Seminars and Conferences
Question :- How many blogs you owned from start till today? and how much you earned from that?
Answer: I personally own these blogs and sites:
- My Blogger Tricks
- Smart Earning Methods
- Rich Income Ways
- Blogger Help Forum
- – Under construction.
Technically speaking I manage around 50+ more sites on daily basis by offering 24/7 SEO consultancy and auditing services.
My business site is:
I earn by providing services I mentioned before.
Question :- I have heard that you taken course from Asif Iqbal of SEO when you started blogging. What was your experience? Can you call yourself SEO expert after taken his courses?
Answer: Indeed it is true that I took a 2 months SEO course there but I literally wasted my time. Most of the things I learnt their can easily be found online and I regret I wasted my $200 there in a hope to learn SEO. Mr Asif Iqbal rarely attended his classes after a month. What I learnt there was nothing but pure theory with no practical aspect. I had to struggle another 2 years online before I could develop the core basics of driving traffic from search engines.
I strongly recommend that you may not learn SEO, SMO or setting PPC campaigns from some institute and instead learn it online because almost everything you need is already available online.
Question :- You’re entrepreneur yourself, but I know you also read blogs, So share your most favourite blog list with us.
Answer: I read almost all SEO, social media and web development related blogs such as Moz, SEJ, SEL, Matt Cutts, labnol, techcrunch, Shoutmeloud, mashable smashing magazine, hongkiat and a lot more.
Question :- I have seen that you have attended loads of seminars as Speaker in NED Universty Karachi etc. So how you get prepared for it as it’s not easy job!
Answer: I love public speaking since childhood. I prepare my presentations just 3 hours before the event starts and rest everything goes naturally. It’s my hobby so it’s no more that tough now.
Question :- How STCnetwork started? How you get clients for it?
Answer: STCnetwork started after the success of my blog Most of our clients are our readers or visitors from organic traffic. Our major source of earning is the SEO and web development services that we offer.
STC stands for “Soon To Come” which refers to the Day Of Resurrection. An Idea I got after writing a poem during school entitled as “Death Was What I Met Last Night”
Question :- Why you started STCnetwork?
Answer:Â Every developer must setup a brand identity for himself by setting up a separate portfolio website. He must never keep all his eggs in a single basket. I needed to keep my blog content and business separate. Thus STCnetwork emerged. Today we communicate with clients and network employees on a common platform at STCnetwork head office.
Question :- How you promote your blog post after being published? and get huge number of traffic.
Answer:Â I promote the post on Facebook, Stumbleupon, Linkedin and Google+. Majority of the traffic comes from search engines.
I brainstorm for a day before writing an article. 50% of time is dedicated to keyword research and finding a trending topic.
Question :- How much visitors your site MBT getting monthly? Please mention sources.
Answer:Â MBT’s traffic is around 6000 pageviews daily. The traffic has declined a lot recently because I barely publish 5 articles a month due to business responsibilities and pending projects. We were receiving around 15000 pageviews on daily basis 2 years ago. Most of the traffic is effected due to people violating our copyrights and creating similar domains using our Prefix “MyBlogger****”
Our major source of traffic is Google India, USA and UK.
Question :- What other hobbies you have apart from blogging?
Answer:Â I love swimming, riding, driving and going out for breakfast on weekends with family or friends. I can’t spend a day unless I have drunk a cup of tea at Quetta Hotel. =)
Question :- I’m 16 years old and doing blogging, whenever I tell any of my friend or relatives they don’t even know about blogging, and just start giving me lectures that focus on education rather than blogging, It’s a good profession but no one cares. It’s 2016 but you started it in 2008-9 how you manage to tell people that what is blogging? and what you’re doing?
Answer: My biggest source of demotivation were people close to me. Blogging requires a lot of patience. I would often tell this to my parents “A farmer waits for months after sowing the seed underground, a blogger is no different than a farmer. Let me bury my seed properly so that it could transform into a tall tree once it grows. This tree wont only feed me but it’s shadow will bring peace to everything around it”
Today my parents and friends are proud of what I do.
When you do something innovative in life, people will often mock you or tell you that you wont be able to do that but when you prove that you can, the same person would ask you how you did it? This is the bitter truth of our society. Focus on your work and let the end results prove it later to people around.
Question :- SEO is most important factor in blogging, So what tools you use to do SEO and tell one of the best tip for SEO.
Answer: Value nothing but your common sense. That is the best free tool you have. I have never used a paid SEO tool ever in my life. I rely on research through Google Keyword Planner, Search Console, free tools by WebTextTool and SEMRush.
Question :- Which lesson you like to share with us?
Answer:Â Keep a simple rule: “Never write unless your content offers something unique to the web”
Never steal someone’s copyrights, you will benefit today but will end up pretty soon with no online reputation. 50% of people who earn through YouTube Partner program today are content thieves. Make sure you never sell your online reputation for few bucks.
Question :- What is you biggest mistake in the world of blogging and you don’t want anyone to do that.
Answer:Â I never used to do keyword research back in 2012 and would value quantity of articles over quality. Today I suggest that you must write less but rich quality content.
Publish your articles once you have properly optimized it and make sure you are not making those 11 common SEO mistakes that I discussed recently.
Question :- Which thing you like the most in the blogging field?
Answer: Blogging helps you to make new friends around the world every second! I love its social interaction factor.
Question :- How many Countries/Cities you visit? Which Countries/Cities you like the most? Which Countries/Cities you want to visit?
Answer: I have visited none. At present I will better invest on assets than on liabilities such as lonely world tours. I have a dream to visit Makkah and Madinah in near future. I love all countries because every country belongs to God.
If you are beginner then read this :Â Beginners Guide To Blogging World
Question :- Which one is your favorite food and which food you don’t like?
Answer: I love “Brain Masala”, “Afghani Tikka” and “Punjabi Palao” 🙂
Question :- What you do when you’re not blogging?
Answer: I develop web apps or hang out with friends. I love coding a lot.
Question :- Share some tips for newbies to start their blogs properly and professionally.
Answer: Never start a blog if you have not studied SEO thoroughly. Spend a week reading different SEO articles and watching videos on content creation and niche selection. Once you have brainstormed yourself then start your blog with and read the following two free ebooks which we wrote back in 2012:
Comprehensive Guide to Newbie Bloggers
Question :- In the last, message for me and for my lovely readers.
Answer: You have a great character Abdul Samad. This quality is enough to succeed you in life. As long as you spread love and knowledge, you will find many companions along the way. Your strong social interaction with people from your niche will not only help you to succeed in your endeavors but will also help your readers who follow you.
Never apply black hat SEO short-cuts, have a lot of patience when you work online, respect your mentors always, never forget them once you succeed online and remember to bow to none but God. If you are not loyal to God then you can never be loyal to yourself. Be steadfast with your prayers and offer them regularly. Poor is a man with all riches of life but no love of God in practice.
Thank you for honoring this small man with this in-depth interview. Peace and blessings be upon you and your readers always.
Thanks samad for sharing his interview with us like the way you ask the questions specially suggestion for newbies .Learn something new from this interview
Thanks samad bro for sharing the interview of blogging legend with us Like the way you ask question from him specially suggestion for newbie bloggers this interview teach me something new
Amazing ! Im impressed 🙂
A few years ago I read a lecture of brother Mustafa who deliverd in a university situated near Korangi Creek and he revealed there his entire success story in a very impressive way.
But the way he shared about him with a lot of new amazing things is very interesting and for that credit goes to interviewer as well who coined each question to make the interviewee give his best with most interesting points above all.
I remember when I started blogging in 2010 and developed my first blog in Urdu many people advised me to be away from this crazy thing and keep focusing on my job that I was doing at that time. They also gave me example of a few top bloggers including Mustafa bhai and said they are the borne bloggers with a lot of support from their family and friends.
But the day I learnt how brother Mustafa struggled and got the status of pioneer in blogging in Pakistan I forgot the dodging advices of people around me and since then never looked back. This credit goes to a few top bloggers of India and Pakistan and obviously brother Mustafa is one of them.
Keep sharing such more wonderful stuff and you are doing a great job at such a tender age my younger brother Samad.
Hello Mi Muba Brother,
Your comment gave a life to this post really.
Love to read your story too and happy that you liked my small efforts.
I must say “If there’s a will, There’s a way”.
I know I’ll be successful for sure that’s why I’ll never look back and I’ll do blogging till death for sure 😀
Thanks for you kind and motivating words brother 😉
Will love to see if you’ll come again here and motivate me again!
MA SHA ALLAH very informative and high quality post. The most inspirational and beautiful thing that i like is your way of asking the questions. No doubt Mohammad Mustafa bhi is our real hero and true inspiration. This interview clear lots of my doubts about blogging, SEO and online working. I pray you (Abdul Samad) become our new Mohammad Mustafa bhi . all the best for your blogging career.
Brilliant Work! Amazing interview
Mustafa sir you are a great inspiration for all of us. MashaALLAH great interview.
Hello, very good effort. We all blogger really need this. I don’t know much about him but i do visit his blog MTB when i need something. He is one of my mentor. I also love the effort you made while writing this interview and add important links. It it now easy for me to grab information relevant to blogging. I am also a blogger and using blogspot platform so i can say i actually learn from MTB. I am also gonna bookmark your blog too sir. Thanks again.
Thanx bro for giving such a nice post..may allah bless you.keep it up…
Waah! Mustufa bhai is really great inspiration for all of us <3 A teacher, a mentor 🙂 thank you so much for publishing his interview ,,,, I got to know many things about him which i didn;t know before.
I also sent him interview request. lets see when he will reply.
Thanks for sharing this worth interview.
 5. What were the advantages, that you got when you started blogging , that might not be so easy now?
Hi Samad 🙂
It’s really inspiring. I have question from you as well as from M mustafa. If a person is freelancer you can say almost a full time freelancer can he start blogging and can get suceess? Because it’s time consuming right? so i have this question if you can answer it would be great.
And Another question is if a person start selling services online direct through his website what would be paying method? as paypal is not working in pakistan? and how can we get online customers?
Thanks for a wonderful information.
Honestly, I knew him for long time ago as I first started my new blog with Blogger. You know? Every blogger on Google CMS must knew because he is an awesome blogspot blogger.
Sometime, I was wondering why he didn’t get on WordPress as many experts moved to the PLATFORM. Thanks for sharing.
No doubt, If you are using blogger or RECOMMENDED a site that covers every tutorial about Google CMS Blogger then he is the one who came in my mind! 🙂
Thanks buddy for liking my efforts! Appreciated from your kind words 🙂
Thanks Bro.
This is really an awesome share. What a answers from Mohammad Mustafa.
Great!!! Worth Reading….
Mohammad is an inspirational personality. great work samad.