Make Money Online – 25 Ways That Actually Works!

Make money online, Yes we heard it alot but what if I tell you that it’s not a dream anymore.

You can easily earn online right from the comfort of your home.

Millions of people around the world are working online and earning money.

As our mission is to teach everyone about making online money and from time to time we’re actually teaching newbies to make some handsome money from their home.

So, today we’ve gathered almost 25 ways that actually works to make money online.

I know, you won’t actually believe but what about giving it try?

Believe me, it will never waste your time 🙂

Here we give you 25 different ways to make money online.


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Start A Blog With Google Adsense

The best way to start is by creating a free blog and showing some Google Adsense ads on them.

Right now blogging is the most popular way to make money online among younger generation.

You can create a blog and start showing contextual ads on them.

Whenever someone clicks on those ads you get paid.

Millions of bloggers around the world trust Google Adsense program.

They are earning anything between $100 and $10,000 per month depending upon the time and effort they put in.

Google pays you on time month after month, year after year.

Affiliate Marketing

You can leverage power of your blog and start selling products through it.

Products that you promote on your blog are closely going to resemble the niche of your blog.

If your blog is about teaching music then you might like to promote a guitar or a book on playing cello, if your blog is on pets then you might promote an eBook on training pets, likewise for other niches.

Promoting and selling products online is simply known as affiliate marketing.

Basically, affiliate marketing is the logical conclusion of blogging.

Freelance Jobs

Freelancing is one of the best online jobs right now.

They are gaining popularity day by day.

If you can’t be a blogger then you can definitely become a freelancer.

There are all kinds of freelance writing jobs you can choose from.

Some of them are content writing, virtual assistant, web design, logo design, link building etc.

There is wide variety of options to choose from.

You can go to sites like UpWork, Fiverr, etc and find all kinds of freelance job options.

Freelancer around the world use these sites.

Write And Sell eBooks

Let us be honest here.

Not every one of you can create a blog and sell eBooks through it.

Creating a blog and bringing some traffic to it isn’t very easy.

It needs some expertise and hard work.

So how are you going to sell your eBook?

Well! You can write your eBooks and sell them on directly.

Those of you who can’t create a website to sell their eBooks can leverage

However, price of your eBook must be between $2 and $5, not more.

Create And Sell Your Own Podcast

Likewise you can create podcasts and sell it online.

You can charge a fee for the subscription.

You can create small videos which are 15 minutes to 20 minutes long and sell them on Apple iTunes.

People on the Internet are willing to buy your podcasts for few dollars if they like the content.

However, you get to promote your podcast otherwise you will not be able to sell even a single video.

There are other ways as well to make money from your podcast.

So choose a niche carefully and create an useful content on the given topic.

Creating Paid Membership Website

You can create a website with useful content and restrict its access depending upon the membership of the visitor.

Initially you give them useful content for free and later for accessing premium content you can charge your visitors.

Some of the examples are Young Turks, Rebel Media etc.

Where you can watch videos for free but if you want to watch more then you have to pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee.

You can also create web applications where you charge money if people want to use it.

There is a monthly or yearly renewal fee.

Create YouTube Tutorials

If you are afraid of creating a website then you can upload videos on YouTube.

YouTube partnership program pays you depending upon the number of views you get for your videos.

You can create all kinds of videos depending upon your skill and expertise in a given area.

If you like to do pranks then create prank videos, if you are good at creating “How To” Tutorials then create how to videos.

Your videos must be interesting and people should enjoy watching it.

Tutor Students Online

You can tutor students online.

It really doesn’t matter what part of the world you live in.

You can teach various subjects like math, science, history, English etc to students online via Skype or Google Hangout.

You will take classes in sessions; each session can be 40 minutes to 50 minutes long.

You get paid depending upon the number of sessions you took each day.

Visit website like where they are looking for tutors who can teach online.

Answer Online Surveys / Q & A

A survey is a form consisting of questionnaires that are very simple to answer.

You can get paid to complete online surveys and the amount you get paid depends upon the length of the survey.

Usually a survey can be 5 minutes long to 20 minutes long.

Longer the survey, more the money.

You can also answer questions online and get paid.

You get paid for each question you answer correctly.

Small Gigs On Fiverr

Small Gigs on Fiverr are very popular now.

You offer your services as a freelancer.

There are thousands of gigs on Fiverr which you can do.

You can design logos, write codes, do SEO, fix a website etc.

You can choose a gig which you are expert in.

You complete the project and get paid.

Read this Fiverr case study to find how I got my first order on Fiverr.

If you have any problem as a newcomer then you can find a lot of support from your seniors.

Data Entry Jobs Or Mechanical Turk

There are various types of data entry jobs that you can find online.

Simple typing jobs and transcription jobs are the most common type of data entry jobs online.

However, you need to find a genuine company online that can supply you with the work and willing to pay every week and month.

You can also find data entry work on Amazon’s site named mTurk or Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Some of the most common types of data entry jobs at mTurk are Captcha solving forms, sorting data and filling out survey forms.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is quite similar to affiliate marketing.

But here we sell products to customers by sending them a sales letter to their inbox.

They will open the email sent by you and read the full sales page.

If they like your product then they may proceed to buy it.

Otherwise they will just neglect the email sent by you.

However, for running a successful email campaign you need a database of relevant email addresses.

You have to collect email addresses of people coming on to your blog.

You can do it by incorporating an auto responder into your blog.

You can collect thousands of email addresses over a period of time.

Always remember if your email database is obsolete then your customers are not going to buy your products.

Writing Columns And Web Journalism

You can write columns for online publications and make a decent living out of it.

You get paid per word you write.

You can write a weekly column for an online newspaper in your country.

In a month, you can easily write 6 to 8 such columns for different online publications.

There is another online career option for you called web journalism.

Web journalism is quite new as compared to more traditional form of journalism.

As a web journalist you are responsible for managing web desk of a news organization.

Web journalism is also known as digital journalism.

Selling On eBay

You can become an eBay seller and sell stuffs like electronic gadgets and accessories, home appliances, books etc online.

First you have to buy these products for cheaper rates and then sell them at a higher price.

Not just eBay, you can buy and sell for other e-commerce sites as well.

You can do it online sitting in your home.

However, you need to have some experience for becoming an eBay seller.

Sell Photos To Stock Agencies

You can use your selfie taking skills to make some money online.

You can take professional looking photos from your iPhone and sell them online on photography stock websites like Shutterstock, Fotolia, iStock Photo etc.

You don’t even have to buy a camera separately.

You can take photos from your very smartphone.

You can sell these photos for anything between $.30 and $30 per photo.

Website Flipping

You first buy a website at a very lower price and then curate it.

You add value to the website by bringing in more traffic to it.

Once you are getting enough traffic, the value of the site increases and you sell it at a price 5 to 6 times higher than what you paid for buying.

Suppose you bought a site for $1000 then you must sell it at $6000 – $7000.

Selling Domain Names

Selling domain names is just like buying and selling a real estate property.

You buy the property at a lower price and sell it 8 to 10 times higher.

Similarly, you buy relevant domain names for few dollars and sell it for thousands of dollars to the highest bidder.

Do you know was sold for $35.6 million, for $35 million, for $30.1 million etc.

Their owners bought the domain names for just few dollars and sold it in millions.

SEO Expert

You can offer your services as an SEO expert.

SEO is very hot right now.

Companies are willing to pay you anything if you can rank their site high on the Google Search Result Page.

There is a dearth of genuine SEO experts in the industry.

Most of them masquerade as an SEO expert but they don’t even know basics of it.

You need to learn about SEO, become an expert and then you can easily offer your services and make money online.

Become A Virtual Assistant

Instead of assisting your boss in his/her office you do it online.

Virtual assistant’s job is for real and the companies are in need of someone who can assist them online.

You must have great communication and problem solving skills to help companies with customer services, website maintenance, social media management etc.

You get paid on hourly basis.

For an hour you can make anything between $10 and $20 depending upon your experience.

You can look for virtual assistant job on LinkedIn.

Create an App

You can create a mobile app and sell it online to customers.

Your app must offer some solution to a problem.

Like fitness apps helps you to track number of calories you burn each day, a gaming app let you play games or an educational app helps people to learn something new.

Similarly, you can come up with an innovative app and charge a fee for each download.

However, you need to know programming for writing codes.

WordPress Expert

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world.

Every website owner need to integrate WordPress CMS into their website.

Not every one of them can do it.

Hence they need a support from a professional WordPress expert like you.

You can help your customers with integrating themes and plug-ins and charge a fee in return.

Online Trading

Online trading is another great way to make money online.

However, you need to have some experience with day trading.

If you don’t have any prior experience then you might end up losing money.

You can buy and sell stocks daily.

However there is risk involved in intraday trading.

Rent Your Home Online On AirBnb

You don’t have to own a hotel or an apartment building in order to make money from rents.

You can rent your own room to strangers and make money of it.

You can visit AirBnB, create a profile of your room, describe the location, give detailed information about amenities you can afford like hygiene products, cooking pots, parking lot etc and wait for getting rented.

You have to play a good host and guide to your clients.

If they enjoy staying at your place, then they may like to come again next year.


You may have heard off crowd funding earlier.

Crowd funding is quite unusual way to make money online.

People around the world will raise money for you, you don’t have to do anything.

Although from the outside it looks very simple but convincing people to donate money isn’t that easy.

Your story must be powerful enough to persuade ordinary people to pull out credit card from their pockets.

There isn’t any limit to the amount of money you can raise.

From $100, you can raise up to $100,000.

Just focus on creating a story that is heart wrenching and can bring tears into peoples’ eye.

Tell your story at Kickstart or Indiegogo.

Accept Donations/Charity

You ask for donations from people on the Internet.

Here also, you need a strong story to sell.

If your story is not powerful and convincing enough then no one is going to donate even a penny.

So come up with a great story and you easily raise enough money online by asking donations.

Final Words On “Make Money Online”!

These were 25 best ways to make money online.

All these ways are legit and most relevant to make money online.

We’ve told you to try out your luck and make money online.

Now it’s your turn to tell us that which of these you’ve tried to make money online?

You can tell us by commenting below!

By the way, Don’t forget to share these 25 real ways to make money online right from your living.

See you soon, Bye! 🙂

About The Author: This post is written by Natasha.

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