Insane Affiliates – So, you’re into Affiliate Marketing and not getting sales, right? 🙂
That is the problem I’m here to solve today!
There is #1 leading secret that I’m going to share in this Insane Affiliates guide and there’s another one too!
A bonus tip that I’ll give to increase your sales and conversion rates in the end.
With that said, let’s start our Insane Affiliates Guide.
N.B: Before we go any further, please make sure that you read each and every single line in the guide. Because if you don’t, you are not serious about increasing your Affiliate Sales.
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Insane Affiliates

It is something everyone had in mind already but didn’t knew the importance of it before. I’m saying that because when I’ll disclose the #1 secret, or rather show it to you because it is in the form of a screenshot that I took from a famous Tech YouTuber’s recent video!
I heard about it before as well. But, I didn’t knew the importance as well. But now, after seeing a real-world example of it, I’m forced to share it with the rest of the community too!
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So, here is the #1 Secret to Increase or Get Sales in Affiliate Marketing!

I took this screenshot from one of Austin Evans’ recent videos! (Forgot the name) and as you can see in the screenshot, there are over 1500 comments on the video. And THIS, that is in the screenshot was on #1 when I was watching the video!
So, this is when I took the screenshot thinking that It’s gonna come in handy later on…
Well, here I am with a tip for you guys for Getting Affiliate Sales and Conversion Rates. All with the help of this screenshot!
You must be thinking that what is special in it? And what’s the #1 secret?
Well. The user said, “Thumbs up if you can’t buy anything from this video,” right?
So, this means, the product Austin is reviewing or showcasing in the video is WAY expensive for these people who liked the comment as well as who commented. They can’t afford the product he’s reviewing.
And there were replies too, and not just likes on this comment!
So, all that shows that people can’t and won’t buy stuff that is out of their range, even if your video quality is THE BEST ON YOU TUBE!
Now you’ll understand the #1 secret better! 🙂
So, the #1 secret is…
Make Affiliate Sites or YouTube Videos (whatever you are into, Sites or YouTube) that are promoting “BUDGET” products! Because, when you’re promoting things that are in Budget for almost every human being on the planet, you’re increasing your chances of getting affiliate sales from your sites and videos by I don’t know how many ridiculous percentage (%)!
If you still haven’t got the point of how this is going to work, lemme give you another example!
Suppose you have a budget of $100, you’re looking for a best microphone for PC for voice overs and podcasts.
You have done all the research and found two awesome microphones out there.
One is in your budget (Blue Snowball or ATR2100 from Audio Technica), and the 2nd one is out of budget (Blue Yeti Pro).
Both microphones are condenser microphones, Both support USB and XLR connections, Both of these have impressive sound quality.
But, the budget is $100!
Well, you’ll obviously go with Blue Snowball or ATR2100. Or, instead, you could go for Blue Yeti Pro in used and have that microphone for the same budget, but in used condition.
That is the reason why we don’t get sales when we make Affiliate Sites on big and expensive products.
Instead, building a website on products that are under $100 would be an amazing thing to do.
Because this way, everyone can at least think of buying these in-budget products.
Sales will increase, eventually and so will the profits and conversions.
That was the #1 secret of this guide for getting sales.
Insane Affiliates {Bonus Tip} for getting sales.
Now, let me share that BONUS tip with you guys too.
That is…
I said, always first buy the product you’re going to review, and then after using it for one week at least (max 1 month), then you should prepare a review on that product.
Because if you do so, you’ll be giving your experience as a review and not just buying and sales-y review that people instantly recognize when they start reading or watching your review video!
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Final Words On Insane Affiliates:
I hope you got some Pure Golden Nuggets out of this read! and if you did, please make sure that you use them in your future or currently running projects! 🙂
And now, If you have any questions, please post them down below, and I’ll instantly reply and answer them for you!
Until next time.
Good day!
“A Guest Post by Umar Farooq, who is currently blogs at He recently has published: How to Earn from YouTube? ($800 p/ Month).”
Really Inspired, the TIP is pretty basic but its a key thing that if followed correctly would do wonders. Specially in the Indian markets affiliate products needs to be under the $100 tag. The cheap and good the product one can easily mature some sales. Well I am a newbie who is desperately trying to catch every single bird leading to the affiliate heaven, don’t know when i will actually get success in affiliate market. Well i have one question i need to ask, should I work hard on YouTube making videos or should i use my old blogger blog to create posts and mature sales. Please do help me in this 🙂
Awesome question, mate! 🙂
First off, I’m glad that you are understanding the tip here! (Y) You’ll KILL it with proper strategy! <3
Is it good to continue Affiliate Marketing on your old blog, or should you instead go with YouTube channel and make HQ videos, right?
Well, the answer is pretty simple ! 🙂
Go with a YouTube channel and create AWESOME quality videos! Use the thing you're promoting via Affiliate Link for like a week or month would be even better…
Then go ahead and give your honest review about it ! 🙂
That's what I'd say you should do…
Umar Farooq @
Nice Article full of knowledge 🙂