How To Get Google AdSense Account Approved In 2017? (Step-By-Step)

Let’s Get Google Adsense Account Approved, Fast, easy and never seen before!

You are one of those bloggers who are still in the race of making money online and now you wish to get an AdSense account for your site/blog and want to earn good revenue from your site?


I know!

Getting Google AdSense account approved is the desire of every newbie blogger, in fact, of all bloggers.

But it’s not that easy to get Google AdSense account approved for your sites.

The reason is Google is very strict for approving new AdSense accounts because they don’t want to make their great community of publishers and advertisers spammy by approving all kind of sites.

So, it’s not easy to get an AdSense account, but you are lucky because you are here.

Before you start reading this guide, I would like to say, grab a cup of tea (of course, you can take coffee too) and close the Facebook tab so that you can focus here.

Tweet it, it won’t take more than 1 minute.

[Tweet “Get Google AdSense Account Approved. #GoogleAdSense”]

Why Google AdSense Is The Best?

No doubt that the Google AdSense is the best blog monetization network.

They are not only best for the publishers, but they are also ideal for their advertisers.

Either you talk about payments or the rates, they pay you in time and provides the highest rates according to your site and niche.

When it comes to the monetization techniques, they are also best in that because AdSense wants to display ads without affecting the user experience on your site.

Since the AdSense is best in all aspects so, all of us are running behind them, and they are making their account approval policies from strict to strict so that only high quality sites can pass.

Reasons For Being Rejected From Google AdSense

Although getting an AdSense account is hard, but it is not impossible.

I believe that if you follow the reasons of being getting rejected from AdSense, then you can easily get Google AdSense account approved fast.

Below I have listed the most common reasons for being rejection from Google AdSense.

Insufficient Content

The most common reason why Google AdSense does not approve sites is that your sites have not sufficient contents.

AdSense needs those sites which have good contents.

If your site has not sufficient contents, then it is impossible for you to get an AdSense account.

Well, AdSense does not state that what is the number of sufficient contents but according to experts saying you must have at least 20 high-quality contents.

Site Does Not Comply With Google AdSense Policies

The second most common reason for AdSense account disapproval is the site you submitted is not comply with Google AdSense Policies.

It is sure that if AdSense has stated the above statement for disapproving your site, then your site is not following either their webmaster guidelines or their program policies.

How to Get Google AdSense Account Approved

Now you have learned the most common reasons for AdSense account disapproval.

Below I will state some important things which you should do before you apply for Google AdSense.

Write Great Contents

The first requirement of Google AdSense is the quality contents.

[Tweet “If your site have everything but not quality contents, then your site have nothing. – Fahad Mirza”]

You should keep in mind that your contents much be of high quality.

High-quality content is:

  • Unique and original
  • Informative and comprehensive
  • Have not any grammar mistakes

Check: How To Write SEO Friendly Content?

Number of Posts

Having a good number of high-quality posts is also critical.

If your site have few posts, then it is very hard for you to get into AdSense.

Na Na! Please don’t ask about what’s the actual number of posts for applying AdSense?

Well, there is no answer to this question because AdSense itself has not stated this on their policies or anywhere else.

I have seen many bloggers having 100+ blog posts, but they are still not getting AdSense approved.

On the other hand, I also know a few bloggers who have just published 10+ blog post and got Google AdSense account approved.

Why should I say about any other?

I have also got Google AdSense account approved with a site having only five blog posts. Yes, I wrote it right there was only five blog posts, and I got approved.

So, I would recommend you to have at least 20 high-quality blog posts.

Your Site’s Age

Site’s age is the most important AdSense account approval factor.

AdSense want sites which are at least six months old especially sites from third world countries.

If you are from any third world countries, then your site must be at least six months old, and they have clearly stated this on their Eligibility to participate in AdSense page that your site must be at least six months old.

Make Your Blog Responsive

With the increase of mobile devices, the demand for websites on mobiles has been increased.

For example: 97% of the people in the USA uses their cell phone to search the things while they are away from their Laptops.

This is not only in the USA, in fact, it is also in all the other countries.

So, now Google is also focusing on approving AdSene for those sites which are responsive.

It is highly recommended to make your site responsive.

Fortunately, we are at ease because it is not a rocket science to make a mobile site friendly you just need to download a new theme, and that’s it.

Read: Which design is Google Friendly Design?

Include A Contact Us Page

Undoubtedly, everyone in this world having their own thoughts on different things.

For example, if you have written an article on How to get Google AdSense account approved then some people may have objection on the material which I have to written here, and some may need help.

By adding a Contact us page, you let your customers and visitors ask you about the information they require.

If you add a professional Contact us page on your blog, then it makes Google rely that you care about your visitors and want to help them.

But it does not cut off by just adding a Contact us page.

You should also include your email address in the contact us page.

The email should be same which you are going to use for applying for AdSense.

If you can afford a professional email like [email protected] then it is, even more, better because it creates a good impression.

Write A Privacy Policy For Your Blog

One of the most common mistakes for getting AdSense rejection is that the people don’t include a privacy policy page on their blogs, even if your blog is having everything in it which AdSense requires but not a privacy policy page then your application may be rejected because it is a requirement of Google to have a privacy policy page as privacy page makes sense that you are a real man, not a scam.

The privacy policy is not only important for Google but it’s also make your blog reader aware of your policy that what they should do on your site and what to do not.

Have A User Friendly Navigation

Did you read the email Google Sent to you when they reject your site?

They had clearly said that your site should have a clear navigation menu so that your readers can easily find the pages and information they are looking for.

Also, make sure to add a Search bar on the sidebar or at the menu bar because it is also useful for your readers.

Create Other Important Pages

There are also a few other pages which are also important although not recommended if you also add these pages it increases the chances of your account approval.

These relevant pages include a neat about us page.

You should write about the author or the blog, about the blog itself.

In the Disclaimer page write all the legal things which are involving in your blog this removes your responsibility from using the other products or services you have listed in your blog.

In the sitemap page link your all blog posts according to their category.

Speed Up Your Site

This may be looking odd.

But it is the truth that sites which have faster loading speed have higher chances of getting Google AdSense account approved than the sites which are slow and takes more than 15 seconds to load.

As fast loading sites maintains the better user experience.

According to a survey, you will earn 30% more revenue if your site loads within 5 seconds. (That’s a point to be noted).

If you want to make your site load under 1-2 second then checkout this guide: Improve Page Load Time Under 1 Second.

Check Your Contents Too

AdSense does not approve all kind of contents.

There are certain type of contents which are not accepted in AdSense, and if they found even a single content on your site which is prohibited, then they will never accept your application.

Here are common content types of contents which are prohibited in AdSense:

  • Pornography/Adult materials
  • Pirated Content
  • Hacking or Cracking Tutorials
  • Illegal Drugs/Paraphernalia
  • Any Other Illegal Stuff

Remove all other AD networks

Before you apply for AdSense remove all other advertisements from your sites which may lead your application for rejection.

Although AdSense allow you to use other Advertisement networks, it is always a better idea to remove other ads.

What If You Didn’t Get Your Site Approved By AdSense?

Don’t worry it is common.

Do you know at present AdSense is rejecting 96% application?

It means 4 out of 100 are getting approved, and you are not one from those 4.

Once again I will say don’t worry because:

[Tweet “When there is a will there is a way.”]

There is not the only AdSense to earn money.

There are thousands of other advertising networks on the internet although they don’t pay as much as AdSense you can make something as it is a famous saying:

[Tweet “Something is better than nothing.”]

From The Writer

I hope by following above guidelines you will surely get Google AdSense account approved.

I am waiting for your responses.

Do comment and let me know what you feel after reading this guide?

Did you get your Google AdSense account approved?

Did this guide help you in getting your AdSense?

Of course, I will be euphoric to write back to your comments.

Don’t forget, Sharing is the best thing you can give in return! 🙂

About The Writer: This post is the courtesy of Fahad Mirza who is the author of Bloggers Papa. He is a talented and passionate blogger from Pakistan.

Note: If you want to review your site that it may approve by ADSense or not, then Fahad is giving free report for your blog/website to check whether it can be approved or not, he’ll also give suggestions to get approved, Go here to get review your site.

24 thoughts on “How To Get Google AdSense Account Approved In 2017? (Step-By-Step)”

  1. This should be very useful for new bloggers. I’ve had my account for a long time but been looking for a guide like this for some of my friends starting a blog. Thanks for posting!

  2. Awesome tips, well getting the adsense account approved is yet a great task which most of bloggers are struggling. I think you have shared some useful post here.


  3. For the Past 24 Days , this is appearing on my Adsense Account ?

    Is this partial Approval ? For ho long does it take to get Full approval ? Any tips on how to get approved please ? Should I keep adding content to the blog ? It has 13 articles of 1500 Words Each . Please guide

    1. Hello Dear Abdul,
      Have you submitted the code in your site’s HTML if now then first please put the code under the HEAD tags of your blog’s HTML

      According to AdSense they take about 3 days to decide about your account after you put the code under the HEAD tags.

      I higly recommended you to keep on working on your blog. And also now you should write blog posts having 2000+ words because it really helps to get account approved.

      If the problem remains then cancel this account and apply for one other.

      I hope I answer your query…

      Have a nice day.

      1. the same problem i am facing almost from five months. can i cancel the account and apply for different website on the same gmail id? as this is my official email and i want to activate adsence on this account.

  4. Hi my name is Jiboy from india. I have developed a website and I supposed to apply for AdSense.
    From my research, I made sure that my website has the following:

    English contents
    3 years Old
    About Us page
    Contact Us page
    disclaimer page
    privacy policy page
    terms of use page
    Original images
    No hacking, gambling, adult, illegal contents
    100+ pages and 50+ user
    Top domain (i.e .com)
    Included Analytics, XML sitemap, robots.txt

    Check my website and let me know if I am eligible for adsense approval.

    1. Hey JiboyJohn,
      I looked at your site and I found it look like a forum not like a website, mostly forums are not accepted by AdSense as they don’t provide much value to the AdSense publishers.
      I hope I answered your query,
      But it is better to apply for AdSense and look for the results.

  5. Great Information. sir i have a question? i want to approve adsense account for my website howtoonlineearn . com
    but many times google reject my application.
    plz guide me for this. thanks

    1. Dear Waqas, I checked your site I am sorry to say it is very hard to get AdSense for your blog, as it has many issues.
      AdSense wants those publishers who are the expert in their field, let me explain your blog is about make money online and you are not making money through it. What does it mean?
      And your blog is also multiniche moreover, your blog’s design is not very good, and there is also an unwanted widget (Alexa Rank, this is minor)

      I hope I have satisfied you.

    1. Dear, it depends on many factors. So, I can not say anything about 7 days, but if you follow above tips then you will surely get your AdSense approved.

  6. Hi
    i have a pet website (bougloo . com) and i have 46 posts. Can you give me advice to how to get accepted by google adsense?

    1. Hello Aliks, first of all, sorry for a late reply I was busy a little.

      I have reviewed your site and it will be probably rejected by AdSense (Approval chances are less than 20%) because there are not any sufficient contents on your pages. Moreover your site load very slowly. Slow sites are not loved by AdSense.

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