12 Most Effective Content Writing Tips – You Should Never Ignore!

You are here for content writing tips.

High-quality content is writing influents the success of content marketing strategy and enhance the lead generation.

High-quality content increases the chance of building great loyal readers.

It also creates a connection between author and readers.

You can also increase the visibility of your brand with high-quality content.

High-quality content is a magical term for the author.

The author can drive massive search traffic from search engine.

Search engine always loves great content.

Except that, you will get a tremendous response from readers.

They will share your content through social media.

Social media is crucial to increase the visibility of your site.

Everyone needs to follow content writing tips.

If you already a content writer, check out these 12 content writing tips.

It will make your post search engine friendly and build loyal relationships with your users.

I have listed some valuable content writing tips here.

I think you will love to read my tips.

It will help you to create high-quality content for your blog.

Don’t try to use content writing software or spun content.

They are useless and no SEO value.

They will not help you to attract readers.

So avoid them every time.

Over Optimization

Don’t write your content for search engine bot.

Write content for human beings and your loyal readers.

Many webmaster and bloggers over-optimized their content without notice.

The search engine doesn’t like them.

Carefully deal with over optimization content.

Keyword Tool

Use a keyword tool like Google Keyword Research tool, Ubersuggest or take help from Google Trends.

Google keyword research tool is my favorite tool.

You will get lots of keywords ideas with search volume.

Keyword research is crucial to start content creating process.

You can also get the idea from Long Tail Pro, HitTail.

Keyword Placement

Always use your primary keyword in the article beginning and first paragraph.

And make sure, you also added your main keyword in the first 100 words.

Keywords in Tag

Don’t neglect to head tag.

It’s crucial in SEO.

Keyword in heading tag gives extra importance to your content.

So, use heading tag H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.

Keyword in title tag

Having keyword in the title tag is beneficial.

The search engine can understand your content very well.

It’s most important in SEO.

It’s an On-page SEO ranking factor.

So, if you implement this strategy in your post bullet point or on paragraph heading, you do well.

Keyword Mixing

Secondary keyword and LSI keywords are also important with primary keyword.

At the beginning make a list of secondary keyword and LSI keyword.

Write content with proper mixing.

It’s increase content relevance, and you can rank for secondary keyword also.

Keyword Density

I don’t believe on keyword density.

Many people tell that 2% keyword density is best.

You can keep this idea.

But my idea is if your content is relevant to the title, no problem.

You are doing well.

Keyword Stuffing

Repeating exact keyword more and more is keyword stuffing.

Keyword stuffing can hurt your site rankings.

Many people think that Google loves same keyword repeated post.

They are just misguided.

Anyone can’t rank content with keyword stuffing.

How people can reflect on this. So, don’t try this.


Use synonyms and grammar variations in your copy.

It’s another content writing tip.

Search engine always avoids poor grammatical content.

You are already aware of LSI terms.

Search engine always tries to give better search results for their users.

If you add synonyms with proper grammar, you can go for an extended run.

Try this: Free Grammar Check Tool

Depth Content

Who like’s unfinished content?

Everyone wants to start with the good beginning and finish with a happy ending.

Always write depth content about your topic.

Give key points, bullet points and tell them why people will use it.

Google always like depth researched content.

They pay extra attention to depth content.

Writing long form content is always time-consuming matter.

Don’t fill your copy with unnecessary things.

People and search engine don’t wish to read them.

If your text is well written in a depth format, people will love to share your post.

They will remember about your site.

Also great opportunity to rank high on search engine.

Long Tail Keywords

You can go with long tail keywords.

You need to find them for your post.

You can use HitTail long tail keyword generator tool.

If you target board keyword, it won’t work for you.

Try 4 or more phrases keyword for your post.

You can rank your post within a short time with long tail keywords because of small competition.

In return, you have the possibility to get extra search traffic within a short period.

It’s crucial for all types of blog.

If your blog is not aged, definitely chase long tail keywords.

Question Answer

Many people use the internet for getting solutions.

You can grab their attention.

If you write posts that are problem-solving for others, you will get massive traffic.

People will rely on your post more.

They read your review and buy the product by inspiring from your post.

You need to explain better from your competitors.

The Bottom Line

Content writing is always a challenging task.

You can’t post anything on your site or can’t represent poor knowledge base.

It impacts on your visitors.

They will get motivation from your post.

So, use my content writing tips and make your post SEO friendly.

It will keep both you and your readers healthy.

Always research your topic then write.

Also, pay extra attention to proofreading.

7 thoughts on “12 Most Effective Content Writing Tips – You Should Never Ignore!”

  1. Seems like keywords are very important and we must focus while writing an article. You have shared great writing tips in a single post. I will surely bookmark this post.


  2. Really a very informative and nice post. article writing is the main thing in blogging and everyone stuck here. you explained all 12 tips well. Thanks !

  3. Well! I would like to add something.

    A well-written content showing a bunch of texts only isn’t enough to build a readership.

    1: A content with explanation or case study works well.
    2: A content having related images is more attractive and increases users time on blogs/websites.
    3: Presentation is more important than just putting texts into the body.
    4: I don’t believe keyword density doesn’t matter. I also agree that if your content is natural, you shouldn’t be worried about it. But keyword density does matter. Since if you over optimized content which is actually a keyword density, it can harm in future.

    Else I liked reading your article. It was very nice.

    Keep it up.

  4. Hello, Taposh!

    I write the content for fun.

    And sometimes, I have to sacrifice the basic SEO things (not happen much) by actually not doing the keyword research at all.

    But I always do one thing with every bit of the content I write; add the story-telling touch.

    That’s the one best thing that makes the readers to glued to your words.

    And answer-triggering CTAs, in the end, do the magic for sure.

    Yup, for the technical content, these 12 tips are the apt ones are the must to follow.

    Great work indeed! 🙂

    ~ Adeel

  5. It’s a brilliant article. I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time now and I can’t go a day without coming back to see what’s new. Thanks for sharing these great tips.

  6. Hey Taposh,

    Indeed an Informative Post !

    Keywords are most important for majority bloggers, but never for me, as I write very naturally because I choose topics which I love, so I generally write very in-depth content without worrying about where to add keywords or not, it just happens naturally and at the end of the day, it works well for me.

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