Every person in this earth never born perfect or with knowledge.
Same like this bloggers are not even born perfect.
We all do mistakes from time to time, but are you the person doing these 8 uncommon blogging mistakes?
I was also doing these same mistakes, but I wanted to make it sure that you won’t.
Let’s check that what are these uncommon blogging mistakes that actually every beginner do or doing.
Are you a beginner, Check my guide on blogging for beginners.
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Inflexible Writing
There are various factors that contribute towards the scope of a manuscript.
Topic is not a solitary factor that decides the scale of a text.
There are various other elements that too play their roles in the development of an image of any document.
Nature and tone of writing is considered as one of the important factor in this list.
Actually the tone of the writing should be in accordance with the topic as well as the position of the document.
The suitable writing pitch for a letter will be obviously different from that of an article.
Similarly Blog is a very different thing.
The writing tone for a blog should be unique and up to the mark so that it may be suitable for a blog.
A Blog demands very flexible, attractive and interesting writing texture.
Usually the bloggers tend to use a tone for a blog that is not too much varied from that of a letter.
This usually results in the lack of interest of readers in the blog.
Inflexible, contracted and jargon’s containing scripts have always been a cause of irritation of audience.
A blog should be written in a flexible, attractive and effortless to read pattern, so that the reader may have fun to go through it.
For making of blog’s text more attractive, a blogger can use rewriting tools, through which the writing tone can also be transformed to a more easily understandable one.
Inappropriate Topic Selection
Selection of topic for blogging should be done with great care, keeping in view the factors that would help gaining a quality collection of audience instead of a heavy bunch of people, whom you will not able to handle.
Usually the bloggers select such topics which are not too much specified.
Selection of broad topic will result in production of difficulties in handling of its audience.
For example, “Earning online” like topics will contain a massive amount of details and related topics that will surely be the ancestors of bulk of versatile questions.
Answering such a high number of questions covering a wide range of sub topics will create hurdles in answering these questions and will result in downfall of the quality of performance.
In contrast, a more specific topic will generate a small bunch of quality audience that can be easily transformed into customers in future.
Lack Of Promotion
Untold sacrifices are never counted.
Similarly hidden capabilities are also not appreciated.
Many bloggers rend to focus on doing bulk of work without caring about their promotion.
It is very unwise attitude because without promotion it is almost impossible to attract customers.
No matter how much good blogger you may be, but absence of proper advertisement on social media and various kinds of newsletters will never uplift your career.
So it is important for every blogger to avoid this mistake in order to achieve proper fruits of his hard work.
Absence Of Communication With Readers
Proper communication is the key towards a successful career.
A Blogger should have to build a strong relationship with his or readers.
Usually bloggers don’t care about communicating with their readers.
It is due to the shortage of time or lack of interest.
But a bloggers should avoid such actions.
A blogger will be able to boost up his status only if he or she is active on social media, interacting with his or her readers consistently.
This will offer him with a bunch of loyal audience that can be proved very fruitful for his future.
Lacking Visual Contents
A huge percentage of populations love to see the videos and images.
In order to have a massive traffic, a blogger should have to maintain visual contents regularly in his or her blogs.
Almost all the bloggers avoid such tactics.
Due to which they have to wait long to get a respectable trafficking.
Presence of videos and images will attract high number of people and will help in gaining huge amount of trafficking.
It is due to the fact that people like images and videos more than the simple text.
Avoiding To Put Ads
The bloggers main aim from blogging is to earn from it.
Earning is a great source of motivation the workers.
Usually the bloggers try to restrict themselves from putting ads in their blogs due to fear of reader’s irritation.
But it will lead to low income, and so the motivation for further work will be decreased.
Which is not a fair signal for the successful future of the blogger.
So it is highly suggested to add Ads in the blog to earn more and more.
Lack Of Experimenting
Luck favors the brave ones and only brave people can move forward.
A person who is always afraid of doing something new will not be able to achieve a unique identity.
Usually bloggers are afraid of experimenting and often try to use Article Rewriter Tools.
It is due to the fear of failure of experiments.
But in order to disclose new horizons, a blogger must have to touch all those corners of the field which are still remained untouched, without thinking about the results of this action.
[Tweet “Failure is the source of learning.”]
So getting upset of being failed with doing experiments is a useless character.
A blogger must have to avoid this habit, as it may be resulted in long lasting weak and dull position of a blogger.
Sole Economical Dependence On Blogging
Usually the bloggers tends to rely merely on the income of blogging.
In this case, if he or she does not earn too much, disappointment is resulted.
So all the bloggers are suggested to do not rely on the income of blogging especially when you are newer to this field.
This attribute will protect you to get dis-hearted and leave blogging at all.
It is recommended to all the bloggers not to rely wholly on the income of blogging and to arrange some side earning source as well.
With this strategy, he can have a long walk in the field of blogging.
End “Uncommon Blogging Mistakes”
What to say in the last I really don’t know but one thing I must say that if you’re doing these uncommon blogging mistakes avoid it now.
No matter if you’re doing one of these, do avoid it also.
Well, I want to know which mistakes I have missed to feature here, kindly mention in the comments below or which one you did, also comment below.
Don’t forget to share it with your friends too.
Hello, Samad!
I always write, and with my heart out.
Yes, I am lacking with some major mistakes that you just mentioned.
Starting with ads., and no consistency.
I am starting to getting better on this to overcome on them. 🙂
Coming back to the topic, the example for the visual content is Ryan Biddulph.
He really is good at it, isn’t he? 🙂
Topic selection is the one biggest mistake. With it, the love does not generate via writing.
If there’s no love, the content is useless.
So, thank you for covering these for us! 🙂
~ Adeel
Hey Samad!
I completely agree to all the 8 points you have raised in this post.
I too made these mistakes when i started blogging a year back.
Now, i am focusing more on interacting with my readers.
And, planning to put ads and start earning from my blog.
Thanks for writing such an amazing post.