A Step-By-Step Guide To Attract Thousands Of Visitors By Creating Interviews On Your Blog!

For a few months or even a few years you have a blog that does not end take off.

Your visits do not go up.

Your project is stuck.

You may gradually have gotten some visibility, but the interaction with your readers is zero .

There are hardly any comments.

No thank-you email in your inbox.

You want to position yourself as an expert on a particular topic but no one believes that you really have authority for this.

How are you going to get to live on your web like this?

Or, you can be at an even more initial point.

While you want to launch an online project and do not know where to start or what to write.

You think you’re no good at anything.

It takes thousands of hours to write an article then has little impact.

Your welcome.

All of us who have online projects have gone through this point.

But today I’ll teach you how to get out of this vicious circle in record time and in a very simple way: Interviewing references in your niche.

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Why should you start creating interviews of referents within your topic today?

You are missing ideas for your content

There are weeks when you run out of ideas for your next post on your blog.

Or if you have them, you do not end up writing an article that you really feel satisfied with.

Interviewing is a very easy way to produce texts that are very valuable to your readers.

Not even what you have to do it, if not the bulk of the article is written by your interviewee.

Make a good battery of questions so your guest will leave the best of themselves on your blog and your readers will thank you.

You do not need ideas, you need to locate people.

This anyone can do.

Faster production

Your biggest effort is this: find the person, contact him/her and do a good research for the battery of questions.

Done the interview and the edition is no more.

You probably save 5 to 7 hours for each post with which you intend to have similar results.

Exponential increase of visits

When these influencers, experts or whatever you want to call them share the interview through their networks will send you thousands of visits to your website.

You, hopefully, have a few hundred followers on social networks.

Your interviewee has hundreds of thousands between Facebook and Twitter.

What do you think will happen when you decide to broadcast the interview you’ve done?

Yes, you’re going to be freaked out with the increase in traffic to your platform that day.

The trick is to look for someone with this ability and also do a piece of interview like no one has ever done before.


By interviewing referrals in your niche, they autom atically transfer some of your authority to you and, over time, you become one of them.

This happens naturally, you do not have to do anything.

Just do more interviews better so that little by little the blogosphere will relate to each of these people.

In several conversations Facebook group I’ve seen that address me as “the guy who has managed to interview the most amazing bloggers around the world back then.”

Get this and your way will smooth out so much that it will even surprise you.

Free Masterclass

With each interview you make, you will receive free training.

You have a guy in front of you who will give you a 1 to 1 consultant for you.

Is it not amazing?

If you are able to find the most powerful people in your subject and have a conversation of 30 to 60 minutes with them, you will freak out of everything you are going to learn.

When you’ve done 20 interviews, you’re another person, guaranteed.

Know your idols

Some of these people that we have so idolized over time become friends of yours, going from being up in the sky to being at your level.

I have dined with a blogger, the girl who inspired me to travel around Undated back and build a blog for it.

This is the magic of interviews.

It is a dream come true, not imagine as being in front of the person you most admire in the world and have a conversation with her.

Conducting interviews is the best technique to get the idols out of the sky and give them a hug.

I do not know anything better for this.

Motivation and inspiration for thousands of people

You are going to present your audience with a lot of people with amazing stories and you are going to upload videos and/or free texts for everyone.

Your readers will leave comments on your blog, private emails and messages on social networks in the form of thanks for the motivational kick you just gave them.

Karma will thank you too.

Increase your social skills, Are you shy?

Well, with this you will learn to relate much better with people, not only in the online world but in the real world, in the physical as well.


On the one hand that your readers will deposit you when you take 20 or 25 interviews.

On the other, the one you are going to develop yourself as you spend your time practicing in your conversations with your guests.

You’ll feel much safer in front of a camera, which will help your power of speech if you’re invited to a conference or if you are planning to organize an offline event.

You will develop the gift of improvisation and fluency in your conversations, which in the business world will serve you and for a lot.

Guest Posting

Interviews are the best door to be accepted as a guest post.

The guest posting or guest blogging is basically writing as a guest author on another blog.

It is about locating other websites with a higher audience than you have (although not always) and a theme the same or similar to yours.

If you write for a blog that read 5,000 people a day, and you read 100 daily, the impact you create is much greater, logically.

I have made many face-to-face guest posting proposals right after recording a video interview, this is much warmer than if you do it by email, so the opportunities to be accepted as guest author are much higher.

The best tools for your upcoming interviews. And the simplest to use

I hope you have already realized the potential that you can get your website doing interviews.

Now, I’m going to present the tools and resources you can use to get the most out of these and make it simple to start without any headaches.


Google Hangouts

Easy to use and 100% free.

To start think is the best tool and by far because the learning curve is minimal.

It will only cost you to square the first interviews, the next you will get rounds.

The best thing for me, without a doubt, is that once you finish the recording it automatically uploads to your YouTube channel.

You save all the time of editing and upload to this platform.


For all my interviews back then I have used Hangouts but it is probable that soon I will do some tests to see if I am more comfortable with this software since the interviewee facilitates the process and everyone knows it.

To record the interviews from Skype you can use Pamela (for Windows) or Ecamm Call Recorder (for Mac).


Youtube Editor

As I’ve told you before, this is the tool I use to edit very quickly my video interviews that have been uploaded automatically when I have recorded from Hangouts.

Simple, fast and free.

What more do you want to start now?

Camtasia Studio

Sofware for Windows and Mac.

Screen recorder and editor to correct your interviews.

I have used it a couple of times and the truth is that it is very useful and simple to start if you do not want to use the own Youtube editor.

You have 30 days free trial after the price is 99$ for Mac and 299$ for Windows.

If you want to learn a good, nice and cheap course by a professional, you can see: Editing Video with Camtasia Studio. Created by Masuk Sarker Batista


For the recording of my interviews I use the web cam itself and the integrated microphone of my laptop.

As I’m traveling back Undated I move a dell for all sides.

The quality of the integrated hardware of this laptop is quite good so I do not need anything else that implies a greater weight in my backpack.

But if you want to take a more professional leap, then I’ll am ready to show you what I will be using to record my courses:

Still not convinced?

I leave you the data of my first 30 Interviews back in 2015:

  • +30,000 views on youtube in 10 months.
  • +30,000 sessions on the blog with
  • +220 comments in interview posts

I Suspend using Internet that time to focus on my education.

But the best thing has been to meet the people who were in front of the camera.

And have a great time in these interviews.

If you have lost the illusion with your project, I recommend you open a section of interviews to recover your mood.

You’re going to have a great time.

Final Words

In this guide, I’ve teach you some awesome things about interviews and that worked for me too.

Why not share this guide?

Spread the love, share it with your fans, followers and mates.

Got any question?

Just sit back, relax and shout a comment below, I’ll love to answer your queries.

Happy Blogging!

About The Writer:

Am Mikahil Web designer and lovers of big surf, love to make new friends and also brought up something unique to make people benefit from it….

2 thoughts on “A Step-By-Step Guide To Attract Thousands Of Visitors By Creating Interviews On Your Blog!”

  1. Hi Abdul Samad Essani,

    Superb ! Your article is great tutorial for every blogger, which will help them to drive more traffic. Really it is not an easy task, but your article will really help blogger to drive more traffic. You’ve described everything simply and effectively.

    Thanks for this informative article. Please keep sharing such kind of blogs.

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